Presented at Lo schermo dell'arte Film Festival 2014
This film, which is part of a series of 60 shorts dedicated to internationally famous contemporary Dutch artists, is a portrait of Guido van der Werve, best known for his performances, from which he derives films, and for his musical compositions: works numbered according to chronological order. Artist, composer, athlete, he’s always the sole protagonist of his films, which are pervaded by surreal, melancholy atmospheres, but not without a subtle, pungent irony.
Starting with his last production, Nummer veertien, home, 2012, in which he traveled approximately 1700 km, from Warsaw to Paris--swimming, by bicycle and running--to bring a handful of dirt he grabbed from Frédéric Chopin’s tomb in Paris to Poland, thus answering the musician’s request to be buried in his native land. The artist, who has his studio in Finland, explains the importance of pushing his body beyond its limits in the performative part of his work.
Barbara Makkinga
She first studied Medicine and then at the Theatre Academy of Maastricht. From 2000 to 2004 she studied at Dutch Film and Television Academy. In 2005 she was awarded with the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfondsprijzen for her film De droom van Jan Wolff.
Selected Filmography
2014 Ik wil alles; Ik bende enige 2012 Hollandse Meesters: Guido van der Werve; TOER 2011 Hollandse Meesters: Herman de Vries