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Who the #%%EDITORCONTENT%%amp;% is Jackson Pollock?

by Harry Moses
USA, 2006, 74’
Presentato allo Schermo dell’Arte 2008
Screenplay: Harry Moses
Photography: William Cassara
Sound: Everett Wong
Music: Terence Blanchard
Editng: Jay Freund
Producer: Hewitt Group
Teri Horton is an American truck driver who bought as a present for a friend of hers an “horrible $5 painting” – as she actually said – at a thrift store. Her friend refused the present and Teri unconsciously does the business of her entire life. That incomprehensible painting can be a work of the most important American artist ever, Jackson Pollock. From this moment, the tragicomical story of the Teri’s crusade to certify the painting as authentic. She struggles against the impenetrable world of art starts. In spite of many and undoubtable clues, they cannot accept that it is a masterpiece of the modern art. A fingerprint, scientific tests, unmistakable comparisions are not enough for convincing the big names of the artworld. On the desk, there is not only the intellectual value of the work, but also its economic value, estimable, if authenthic, around $50 million.
Harry Moses. Harry Moses is an American film-maker, movie and TV writer. One of his most famous shows is the high popular 60 Minutes, broadcasted by the national TV channel CBS. He was awarded by many domestic and international institutions, such as the National Academy Arts and Science Emmy Award.
Selected Filmography
1981 Thornwell 1988 The Trial of Bernhard Goetz 1994 Sex Sells; Assault at West Point: The Court-Martial of Johnson Whittaker