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We Are One

by LucFosther Diop
2010, 5′
Presented at VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 4th edition
The works of LucFosther Diop are often metaphors of the contradictions of the human condition and social relationships. Through simple but extremely poetic visual strategies, the artist investigates specific aspects of neo-colonialism and the impact of Western imperialism on the African land. In the video We Are One, the Cameroonian artist’s right hand becomes a poetic synthesis of the clashes and misunderstandings in human relationships. The initially peaceful dialogue between his fingers becomes increasingly confrontational, an apparently inevitable consequence in a society where human relationships are strongly influenced by class, ethnic and cultural group differences. Instead, through the outstretched palm of his hand, the artist suggests abandoning a classist community for a horizontal society based on equal dialogue between individuals. The video was awarded the FAAP Artistic Residency Prize at the 18th edition of the SESC_Videobrasil festival of contemporary art.
Lives and works in Rotterdam, NL, and Douala, CM. He studied Fine Arts at the Yaounde1 University and was an artist in residency at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam. LucFosther makes films, photographs, drawings, collages and installations. Usually, stories and events of racism, injustice, propaganda, slavery, colonialism, neocolonialism, imperialism, are the situations that trigger his process of creation. He approaches these terms in a metaphorical fashion. Seeking out visual strategies enable LucFosther to express specific aspects of the influences and impacts of neo-colonialism and imperialism, particularly on the African continent, and on the world in general. His work has been shown in significant exhibitions including the 2nd Thessaloniki Biennal, 2009, the 11th Havana Biennal, 2012, the 14th PhotoEspana, 2011, and the 18th SESC_Videobrasil Festival, 2013. His video We Are One won the FAAP Artistic Residency Prize during the 18th SESC_Videobrasil Festival, 2013. He also received a Unesco-Aschberg Award for French Africa in 2013.