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Untitled (Portrait Study)

by Giovanni Giaretta
2012, 13’21’’
Original Format: Full HD
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2014
The video documents the relationship between an entomologist and a variety of butterflies. The gestures and the experience of the entomologist create a narrative that alternates between scientific description, sign language and a choreography.
Giovanni Giaretta (Italia, 1983). Italian artist, lives and works in Amsterdam. After graduating in Design and Production of Visual Arts at the University IUAV of Venice, in 2010 took part in the residency program of the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris and Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation in Venice and in 2011 he participated to the Advanced Course in Visual Arts of the Fondazione Antonio Ratti.
Giaretta showed his work in many shows in Italy and abroad, in institutions and spaces like: Macro (Rome, IT); De Ateliers, (Amsterdam, NL); Foundation Botin (Santander, SP); La Tolerie (Clermont Ferrand, FR); Musée départemental d’art contemporain de Rochechouart, (Rochechouart, FR); Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, (Torino, IT); Motive Gallery (Amsterdam, NL) and Peep-Hole (Milan, IT). In 2013 was selected for the 5×5 Castellò. Premi International d’art contemprani Disputaciò de Castellò (Castellò, SP). Since 2011 is part of IrmavepClub a collective of artists and curators.
His video-works has been screened at Videoart Yearbook 2008, Galleria Civica di Trento and at Villa Medici inside the screening program TEATROЯOTATE curated by the artist Laurent Montaron.
Inside his residency at Macro (Rome, IT) he curated the Film screening about cinema and sport “The impossible hour” mixing movies and videos of artists as Raphael Zarka and director as Jorgen Leth.
Giovanni Giaretta was awarded with a scholarship offered by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy.