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Tre Titoli

by Nico Angiuli
Italy 2015, 34′
Presented at Notti di Mezza Estate 2018
COURTESY: The artist
Cerignola, near Foggia, and compares it with the contemporary dynamics of a community of Ghanaian women and men who occupy a series of abandoned farms and work in the fields of the hamlet Tre Titoli, a few kilometers from the Apulian town.
Nico Angiuli Is a visual researcher, filmmaker and performer.
Angiuli is director of three films: Otnarat (2009) that imaging Taranto, the most polluted city of Europe, without industries; Tre Titoli (2015) on the violence cyclicity in the agricultural lands of Southern Italy; E per te canterò tutta la vita (2016, co-directed with Fabrizio Bellomo) on the media relations between Albanian people and Italian television during the communist dictatorship.
In the 2016 he participates at Altri Tempi Altri Miti – 16° Quadriennale di Roma; in the 2015 at The School of Kyiv” – 2nd Biennal of Kiev in Ukraine; has also exhibited his works at MART Museum in Rovereto, BAK Museum in Utrecht, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin, Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella, MAAM Museum in Rome, NOoSPHERE Arts NYC; Heaven – 4th Athens Biennal; SPAC in Udine, at the National Theatre in Tirana; in the Bozar Museum Bruxelles; at SaLE Docks and at Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice.