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Tinside Lido

by Akvilė Anglickaitė
2006, 8’41”
Original Format: DV
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2013 in occasion of the Screening Program at Villa Romana The film is part of VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 2nd edition
The film”Tinside Lido” is based on true stories. The film “Tinside Lido” is based on imagined stories. Stories can be true as well as created. The viewer can imagine a true story as well as storytellers did. He or she can observe the movements of storyteller’s imagination as this process wasn’t directed or interrupted. “Tinside lido” therefore is a documentary film where three men from three different countries and cultures tells the story about the same place where something must had happened.
Akvilė Anglickaitė (Lituania, 1982). Is a visual artist working with the medium of photography, music, and moving image. Since 2012 she is doing an artistic research on the phenomenon of uncertainty in contemporary culture and photography, as a part of her PhD studies at Vilnius Academy of Arts. Her work has been exhibited in numerous shows including: “X Baltic triennial” in 2009; “Lithuanian Art 2000-2010: Ten Years” at CAC – Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, in 2010; “Local-Global-plan” in Copenhagen in 2011 and “Placebo” at Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin in 2008. In 2008 she received the Lithuanian Culture Ministry Grant for Young Artists and in 2012 she has been artist in residence at the Nida Art Colony.

The participation of Akvilė Anglickaitė is supported by the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania.