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by Francesco Bertocco
2012, 06’06”
Original Format: Full HD
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2014
In psychotherapy, role-play is mainly used to showcase a model of ethical codes that takes place between the psychotherapist and the patient, usually at their first contact. During psychotherapy part of the therapists’ training goes through case studies and related case history. The clinical studies, the type of patients, are chosen for their capacity to represent a model. Setting consists of a potential mise-en-scènes of a psychotherapy role-play. The shots have been made inside a photographic studio of the Università Statale di Milano, where role-play are realized for the faculty of Clinical Psychology. This place, without any active and recognizable element (even also the actors/doctors), becomes a space to explore, an open system to rebuild in any time, at every passage.
Francesco Bertocco (Italia, 1983). Visual artist and filmmaker. His field of research is the exploration of the documentary genre, linguistically complex. His recent research has focused on the study of the mind through the scientific research.
Solo exhibitions include: OFF SITE, with Alessandra Messali, MAC, Lissone, in collaboration with ViaFarini /DOCVA; Focus Group, ROOM Gallery, Milan; Role Play, Lucie Fontaine, Milan. 
Among the exhibitions and screenings: Visions du Réel 2014 International Documentary Festival, Nyon, CH; Mediterranea 16 Errors Allowed, Ancona; VideoZero 2012 and Okay, I have had enough, what else can you show me? Careof DOCVA, Documentation Center for Visual Arts, Milan; Videominuto since 2010 diary of this permanent al Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato; VIDEO.IT, Fondazione Merz, Torino; DOC15, (production prize) Sect. Passes, Festival International Filmmaker Milan, Milano.
The partecipation of Francesco Bertocco is supported by Lo Schermo dell’Arte.