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Self Made

by Gillian Wearing
2010, 88′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2012
Screenplay: Gillian Wearing, Leo Butler
Cast: Sam Rumbelow, Ash Akhtar, Lesley Robinson, Dave Austin, James Baron, Lian Stewart, Simon Manley, Jerome Prince
Method acting teacher: Sam Rumbelow
Photography: Roger Chapman
Sound: Malcolm Hirst, Tim Barke
Producer: Lisa Marie Russo
Production: Fly Film Production, in association with Third Films
Sponsor: UK Film Council and Northern Film & Media
In association with: Arts Council England, Channel 4 Britdoc Foundation e Abandon Normal Devices
Winner of the prestigious Turner Prize in 1997, in her film-directorial debut, British artist Gillian Wearing involves seven people from among the hundreds who answered her ad: “Would you like to be in a film? You can play yourself or a fictional character. Call Gillian”, in 2007. After three weeks of intense group preparations in Newcastle, led by acting coach Sam Rumbelow, each participant gave birth to a character, producing his own personal “final scene”. Five of them are an integral part of the film, which interweaves reality and fiction according to the artist’s typical operative methodology, which she herself defines as “editing life’’. The film is, all at once, “a documentary, an art work and a social experiment”. It documents the most significant moments of the internal and creative courses taken by the protagonists, all of them non-professional actors, exploring the various unpredictable, shattering conclusions with them.
Gillian Wearing
Gillian Wearing won the Turner Prize in 1997, in recognition of her innovative work addressing public and private lives and the question of the self in society. Confess all on Video (1994) invited people to confess all on video, while wearing masks. Among her one-man shows: Serpentine Gallery, London (2000), Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (2001), Sala de Exposiciones de la Fundaciòn “la Caixa” in Madrid (2001), the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago (2003), De Hallen in Amsterdam (2004), and Galleria Civica de Arte Contemporanea di Trento (2007),Whitechapel Gallery, Londra (2012). Her works are in the collections of the major internationa museums, including the Tate Gallery, London; MoMA, New York and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. She lives and works in London.