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by Rebecca Digne
France 2016, 4′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2016
Production: Artois Comm
with the support of DRAC Ile-de-France, Elevator Production
Faithful to the author’s filmic practice, which painstakingly explores primal gestures, Sel expresses the artist’s ambition to actualize a form of creative sharing and exchange of expertise. The film was made in collaboration with the group “Elevator Production”, formed by five of the artists who, together with Digne, participated in the program VISIO 2015. The theoretical sources of inspiration for this video are Bataille’s concept of dépense (spending), and Marcel Mauss’ essay on the gift. Shot on the beach of Le Havre in a single day, coinciding with the dawn and the rising of the tide, the film is the result of a performance in which the actors bring blocks of salt, commonly used in agriculture to prevent sodium deficiency in ruminants, to the shoreline. The tide rises and incorporates the salt that belongs to the sea itself. The performative action is filmed simultaneously by two fixed cameras: a Super 8, the medium often used by the artist to document what is happening, and a high-definition digital camera, that records the entire action, showing the different perspectives from which it’s formed.
Rebecca Digne was born in 1982 in in Paris, where she lives and works. Was a resident at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam and then at the residency program Le Pavillon of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris (2013- 2014). Among her most recent exhibitions: VISIO. Next Generation Moving Images, Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi (2015) Climats Artificiels, Fondation EDF, Paris (2015); 100 years later, at Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2014; Profit and Non Profit, SpazioA, Pistoia (2014). Digne won the VISIO Young Talent Acquisition Prize and the Talent Contemporain of Fondation Schneider in France.
Selected Filmography
2016 Sel 2011 Creuser 2010 Mains 2008 Kino Peinture