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Prospettiva vegetale

by Francesco Fei
Italy 2014, 20′
Presentato a Notti di Mezza Estate 2015
Music: Massimilano Fraticelli
Producer: Apnea Film
Language: Italian
Subtitles: English
Produced for Giuseppe Penone’s solo exhibition at Fort Belvedere and the Boboli Gardens in Florence, the film follows the artist during its installation, and offers insight about his work and the complex operations required to stage the show. Originated from the artist’s continuous reflection on the concept of sculpture, and his deep understanding of memory and the identity of the places for which they’re intended, Penone’s works generate a dialogue with the space and with the nature of intimate relationships and corresponding materials. The film had its international premiere in March this year at the Festival International du Film sur l’Art (FIFA) in Montréal.