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Picasso & Braque Go to the Movies

by Arne Glimcher
USA, 2008, 60’
Presented at The Screen of the Arts 2009
Photography: Petr Hlinomaz
Editing: Sabine Krayenbühl
Music: Daniel Abramovich, Aleksandar Djordjevich, Christopher “Pinkus” Wesselman
Voice-over: Martin Scorsese
Producers: Arne Glimcher, Martin Scorsese, Robert Greenhut
Production: Cubists LLC
Executive producer: Bonnie Hlinomaz
The documentary comes in the wake of the exhibition “Picasso, Braque and early Film in Cubism”, which was cureted at New York’s PaceWilderstein Gallery by the famous American art critic Arne Glimcher. Shot by Glimcher himself and co-produced with Martin Scorsese, the documentary continues investigations on the fundamental role that cinema had on the work of the two Cubists masters at the beginning of the 19th century. It is an extraordinarily vivacious fresco of the magical relationship between visual arts and cinema, and using both flash backs and contemporary sequences it masterly alternates excerpts from old silent movies with pioneering works by Georges Méliès, rare documentaries of serpentine dancer Loie Fuller and with comments by famous contemporary artists and movie stars. Among these are Scorsese himself, who appears in the Socratic role of narrator, the artist and film maker Julian Schnabel, Lucas Samaras and Chuck Close.
Arne Glimcher. Born in Duluth, Minnesota in 1938, is the Chairman of PaceWilderstein Gallery in New York. Famous art critic, Glimcher is also a well known film maker and producer. In 2003 he was given the Lègion d’Honneur.
Selected Filmography
1988 The Good Mother; 1992 The Mambo Kings; 1995 Just Cause.