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Our City Dreams

by Chiara Clemente
USA 2008, 85′
Original Format: 16 mm, super 8, HDV
Presented at The Screen of the Arts 2008
Screenplay: Chiara Clemente
Photography: Theo Stanley
Sound: Thomas M. Lauderdale
Music: Thomas M. Lauderdale
Editing: Martin Levenstein
Producers: Chiara Clemente, Tanya Selvaratnam, Bettina Sulser
Production: Di San Luca Films Chiara Clemente
Filmed over the course of two years, “Our City Dreams” is a journey through the lives and the places of five women: Swoon, Ghada Amer, Kiki Smith, Marina Abramovic, and Nancy Spero. These five artists speak about and expose theirselves while they are creating artworks, managing an exhibition, or visiting places linked to their art or life, New York City, El Cairo, Thailand, Paris, Venice. Their ideas, sensibilities, experiences emerge in the trustful relationship they have with the director, but also with the sixth character of the film, New York City. As the title suggests, the film is a vivid portrait of the real and imaginative relations between these women and the city, but, at the same time, a dream of the city itself. From different points of view, the artists unveil how New York City becomes a place not for stopping but for amplifying their art, giving them strenght and new challenges.
Chiara Clemente. Chiara Clemente’s work revolves around questions of identity and cultural contrast. The affinity for art can be traced back to her childhood, tiptoeing around paintings of her father, the artist Francesco Clemente. She began directing art documentaries in 2000 for Italian TV, developping more and more an intuitive and effective relationship between visual arts and cinema.
Selected Filmography
2005 Three Worlds