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by Massimiliano Pacifico
Italy 2008, 39′
Original Format: DV Cam
Presented at The Screen of the Arts 2008
Photography: Diego Liguori
Music: FRAME, Brian Eno
Editing: Diego Liguori
Photo: Ferdinando Scianna
Production: Ananas, in collaborazione con Audioimages
Many films has been realized about the work of the artist Mimmo Paladino, but for the first time the movie “Opera” catches his on-going work thanks to the occasion of the homonymous exhibition at the magnificient space of Ara Pacis in Rome. The documentary, indeed, follows the artist during the week before the opening, through a style that joins an analytical look to a stable closeness to the artist’s sensibility. Thoughts about the works space some familiar moments and meetings with collaborators and artists, such as the photographer Ferdinando Scianna and the musician Brian Eno, who created the sound design for the exhibition. The artist’s work is shown in its daily and continuous process, with the most interesting example of the re-placing and re-thinking of a 30-meters installation that Paladino is working out for the new expositive space.
Massimiliano Pacifico. Massimiliano Pacifico has worked as assistant of many famous directors such as Paolo Sorrentino, Pippo Delbono, Silvio Soldini, Pappi Corsicato, and as editor of some movies, like the full-lenght Mimmo Paladino’s Quijote, hosted by the 2006 Venice Festival. The collaboration with Paladino has gone on with a series of documentaries about some of his works. Example of his interest in contemporary art is also “Amare le differenze”, realized in the occasion of the Michelangelo Pistoletto’s retrospective at Madre Museum in Naples.
Selected Filmography
2007 Amare le differenze