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by Dan Walwin
2013, 6′
Presented at VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 4th edition
Courtesy the artist
In “op” a mechanical device moves incessantly through woods and abandoned buildings in which the human figure is absent. No information is given on the nature of the place nor on the destination to be reached. The space is lit only for a few minutes by the red light of a flare, and the feeling is that of being suspended in an endless wait for something to happen. The post-apocalyptic setting and a language involving long subjective sequence shots, recall the aesthetics of shooting video games, although in this case the action is always postponed. The artist is very careful in placing his works in order to ensure that the relationship between the projection and the exhibition room amplify the viewer’s perception of being immersed in the virtual space generated by the film.
Dan Walwin lives and works in Amsterdam. He studied at Goldsmiths College, London, and then was a resident artist at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in 2012-13, Amsterdam. Walwin’s works pay acute and visceral attention to details and detritus, channelled and contained inside hybrid and potentially uncomfortably ill-fitting forms. These evoke associations with pop culture, scientific research and speculative fiction, while employing scale and imitation as means to structure the atmosphere of a viewer’s encounter with the work. Recent solo exhibitions: “Winds”, Cell Project Space, London, 2015; “Sun room, P/////AKT”, Amsterdam, 2015; “Cess, jel ever terrass?”, Kazachenko’s Apartment, Oslo, 2014; “Cess, jel ever terrass?”, Playstation, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, 2014. Recent group exhibitions and screenings: 2013, 2014, “Cosmos Carl”, Online, 2015; “Uyati Pog, Exodus”, OCCII, Amsterdam, 2014; “op / Grimm City”, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, University of Greenwich, London, 2014; “Marl Media Art Awards”, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, Marl, 2014; “Out There – Video Art”, New media & Photography on Landscapes in Public Space, Maastricht, 2014; “Haperende Mens”, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, 2014; “The Shape Of Things To Come”, Stour Valley Arts, Ashford, 2014; “Metadata Venn Diagram”, Broadstone Studios, Dublin, 2014; “Onsite”, Temporary Arts Project, Southend on Sea, 2014..