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Omaggio a Martial Raysse

by Martial Raysse
1967, 45′
Presented at Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival 2015 In collaboration with Palazzo Grassi-Punta della Dogana and Gucci Museo
CAMEMBERT MARTIAL EXTRA-DOUX 1967, 13’30’’, colore
PIG MUSIC 1971, 6’8’’, b/n
INTRA MUROS 1977, 9’, b/n
MON PETIT COEUR 1995, 40’’, colore
EX-VOTO 2005, 3’14’’, colore
On the occasion of Raysse’s major retrospective at Palazzo Grassi in Venice, we present a selection of six short films made by the French artist between 1967 and 2005, curated by Martin Bethenod. In Portrait Électro Machin Chose, he emphasizes his skills as tireless experimenter, appropriating television to create contrast and distortion effects, the portrait of a woman seen in the atelier. In Camembert Martial Gentle Extra he blends with subtle irony the music of Offenbach and The Who to produce a soundtrack for a group disquisition on Camembert Martial’s hallucinogenic effects. The primitive rhythms of Pig Music document the climate of the community experience PIG, within which Raysse produced paintings, photos and newspapers until 1973. Rarefied atmospheres leading up to total abstraction of the image are the focus of Intra Muros. The program ends with his two most recent films: Mon petit coeur, produced for the exhibition Féminin Masculin at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, is 40 seconds of poetry and beauty, built of rhythm and words, comparable to the composition of a sonnet. Ex Voto is a reflection on beauty seen through works of art, creation and things found in nature.
Martial Raysse was born on the Côte d’Azur in 1936. He works in different media, from huge canvasses covered with pure pigments to neon sculptures, cinema and poetry, to investigate issues such as the relationship of history with art, the artist’s role, policy. He joined the New Realism movement, and signed its founding declaration. In 1963, he moved to Los Angeles, where he continued to a create multilingual installations. He is among the first artists to experiment with the interactions of images in movement. In 1966, he represented France in the 33rd Biennale di Venezia, and won the Special Prize for artists under 45. In 2007, he partecipated in the show “Sequence 1” at Palazzo Grassi, Venezia, where he returned in 2009 for the group show “Mapping the Studio: Artists from the François Pinault Collection”. In 2014, the Centre Pompidou in Paris mounted the show “Raysse: Retrospective. 1960-2014”.
Selected Filmography
2008 Re- Fatma 1978-80 La petit danse 1976 Lotel des folles fatmas 1971 Jupiter 1970 Le grand depart 1967 Homero Presto; Jesus Cola