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Oligarques, art et dollars: les nouveaux collectionneurs russes

by Tania Rakhmanova
France 2010, 52′
Presented at The Screen of the Arts 2011
Photography: Georgy Porotov
Sound: Maria Keder
Editing: Paul Morris
Music: Chostakovitch
Voice-over: Laurence Haziza
Producers: Patrick Winocour, Juliette Guigon
Production: Quark Productions
Promoters of galleries, foundations and important art prizes, Russian oligarchs invest in contemporary art with passion and entrepreneurship. They currently play a primary role in the promotion and politics of culture in their country. In 2009, the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture in Moscow, the principal locale of the central event of the 3rd Moscow Biennial, curated by Jean-Hubert Martin, becomes the principal meeting place for the new Russian contemporary art patrons and collectors. Evoking the example of Sergei Chtchoukine and his collection of masterpieces, the film portrays several of the new scenario’s protagonists, following them at work, their homes, at London’s auction houses and Moscow’s galleries. Among them are Nathalia Kournikova, a gallerist and collector whose collection includes a painting by Vladimir Putin; Shalva Breus, the collector who founded the Kandinsky Prize, and Stella Kesaeva, founder and directrix of the Stella Art Foundation.
Tania Rakhmanova. A Franco-Russian filmmaker, she began working as a print journalist in the USSR, and moved into documentary with her work for the award-winning Discovery/BBC series “The Second Russian Revolution” (Brian Lapping Ass). She has worked on several award-winning documentaries, including the Emmy-winning “Cuban Crisis”. Since 1997, she has produced and directed more than 20 documentary series and films. Her films have received much international recognition, including Emmy nominations, Golden Eagle, Fipa. Her latest film is “Lords of the Spin”.
Selected Filmography
1998 La revanche des Romanov: le nouvel art du XXe siècle; 2001 L’Orient Express: un siècle de légende; 2002-2003 The Alternative Rock and Roll Years (serie); 2003 Xian Connection; 2005 La prise du pouvoir par Vladimir Poutine; 2008 Les exilés de la Libération