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New Void - The Movie

by Alessandro Di Pietro
2014, 30′
Presented at VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 4th edition
Courtesy the artist
“New Void – The Movie” is the result of a performative act of procedural and conceptual deconstruction of the cinema language. The artist chooses not to use a camera as a tool for the production of images, but an Easypix handheld scanner applied directly on the screen of his 15.4” Macbook Pro. The artist moves from Gaspar Noe’s film “Enter the Void” (2009), from which he acquired the new images as raw material. This appropriation process, which almost quashes the aesthetic references of its source, creates the frames needed to build the narrative structure of the new film. The result is a refined and complex conceptual operation that generates a film full of autobiographical references and somehow re-discusses, through its protagonist Rasco, the role and responsibility of the artist in the production system of images and works of art. The film sees the collaboration of Enrico Boccioletti ft. Death in Plains, who created the original soundtrack and sound, and, for the screenplay, Ana Miranda Shametaj, from the theatre company “Kokoschka Revival”.
Alessandro Di Pietro lives and works in Milan. His artistic practice is focused on the process of normalization and deviation from the standard, in material and linguistic terms. In the last two years his main projects New Void and A project on A Zed and Two Noughts (P. Greenaway, 1985) find their field of action in cinematographic grammar. Main solo show: La table basse, FPAC Bad New Business, Milan, 2014. Main group shows: TWO PERSON SHOW, CAB, Grenoble, 2015; Glitch at OCAT, Shanghai, 2015; HPSCHD 1969-2015, MAMBO – Museo Arte Moderna Bologna, Bologna, 2015; Glitch. Interferenze tra Arte e Cinema, PAC – Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea Milan, Milan, 2014; Zodiaco, CAR drde, Bologna, 2014; Primavera 2, CNEAI – Centre National Édition Art Image, Chatou, 2013; On File, Platforma Space, MNAC Annex, Bucharest, 2013; Constructional System, VIR – Viafarini in Residence, Milan, 2012.