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Meret Oppenheim ou le surréalisme au féminin

by Daniela Schmidt-Langels
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2014
Written by: Daniela Schmidt-Langels
Camera: Isabelle Casez
Editing: Anette Fleming
Voice over: Kathrin Wehlisch
Soundtrack: Ulrike Haage
Sound: Ivonne G. Schürmann
Producer: Anhita Nazemi
Production: Kobalt Productions GmbH
Language: German, Italian
Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) was one of the 20th century’s most extraordinary artists. Her work involved dismantling the usual, creating an unusual representation of reality, and was balanced by an inscrutable sense of humor. Extraordinarily accurate and fatally perverse subjects resulted, starting with her famous Fur-lined Breakfast. The film, a brilliant portrait of a multi-faceted artist -a painter and sculptor who wrote poems and designed costumes- focuses on her relationship with famous artists. Man Ray asked her to pose; she made masks and costumes for Daniel Spoerri, and accurately observed Alberto Giacometti. Through interviews with friends, the film shows how she faced the great challenge of being a woman artist. “No one is given freedom,” she said. “One has to take it.”
Daniela Schmidt-Langels. Born 1962, studied musicology, spanisch and history in Cologne and Berlin. Since 1991 documentary filmmaker and journalist for ARTE, ZDF, WDR, 3sat and KiKa. 1997 working with Margarethe von Trotta on Winterkind (TV feature, WDR) and 2003 on Margarethe von Trotta’s “Rosenstraße“ (cinema film). Radio features for WDR and DLR-Berlin. Lives in Berlin.
Selected Filmography
2012 Saskia: ein Leben im Schatten 2010 Musik Mon Amour 2009 Julia Franck