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Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, the Mistress and the Tangerine

by Marion Cajori e Amei Wallach
USA, 2008, 99’
Original Format: HDV
Presented at The Screen of the Arts 2008
Photography: Mead Hunt, Ken Kobland
Music: Steve Peters
Editing: Ken Kobland
Produced by: Marion Cajori, Amei Wallach
Executive producers: George Griffin, The Art Kaleidoscope Foundation
The film is a journey inside the life and imagination of an icon of modern art. Based on the encounters with her assistant, her family, and the artist herself in both her Brooklin studio and her Manhattan home, the movie shows us how there is no separation between her life as an artist and the memories and emotions that affect her everyday life. As a screen presence, Louise Bourgeois is magnetic, mercurial and emotionally raw, and her art made of disturbing objects and suggestive materials is here reproduced through a brave joining of views, words, editing, and music. “I do, I undo, I redo”, the name of a 1992 installation, becomes a motto of the whole movie, letting us feel the tension and the energy of the artist’s ideas and emotions. Thanks to the complex and difficult 15 years of making, the film unveils the functioning of this fascinating artistic process in which Bourgeois’s memories become embodied in objects and installations.
Marion Cajori. Marion Cajori was an independent filmmaker who set up the non-profit Art Kaleidoscope Foundation in 1990 to produce in-depth cinematic portraits of artists, such as the celebrated “Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter” (1993). A few weeks before her death in 2006, she completed the film “Chuck Close” that opened at the 2007 Film Forum in New York.

Amei Wallach. Amei Wallach is an art critic and curator. For many years chief art critic for “New York Newsday”, her articles have appeared in such publications as “Art in America” and “ArtNews”. This is her first film.
Selected Filmography
1993 Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter 1997 Chuck Close: Portrait in Progress 2006 Chuck Close