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Liquidity Inc.

by Hito Steyerl
Germany 2013, 30′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2014
Directed by: Hito Steyerl
Techinical director: Cristoph Manz with Jacob Wood
Photography: Cristoph Manz (Berlino) Kevan Jenson (Los Angeles)
Lights: Tony Rudenko
Producer: Kevan Jenson
Commissioned by: David Riff, Ekaterina Deger for Bergen Assembly
Incorporating visual research and philosophical-existential theorizing, Steyerl reflects on the global concept of liquidity. The film centers on the emblematic experience of an ex-financial consultant, who reinvents himself as a martial arts expert after the recent global economic crisis.
Hito Steyerl (Munich, 1966. Lives and works in Berlin) is a filmmaker, artist and writer. She has published many books, including “The Green Room. Reconsidering the Documentary and Contemporary Art” (Sternberg Press 2008). She teaches Experimental Film and Video at UdK Berlin and has held courses at the Dutch Art Institute, the Malmö Art Academy, Akademie der bildenden künste in Vienna, the Royal Art Academy of Copenhagen, and Goldsmiths College of London, among others.
She was Wim Wenders’ assistant on his films “Till the End of the World” and “So Far, So Near”.
Among her more recent one-woman shows: ICA, London; Van Abbenmuseum, Eindhoven; and the Künstlerhaus, Stuttgart (2014); Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (2013); e-flux New York; Wilfried Lentz in Rotterdam (2012). She has shown at Biennales in Venice, Istanbul (2013), Gwangju (2010), Shanghai (2008), Berlin (2004), and at documenta 12 KASSEL (2007), and Manifesta 5 (2005). Her films were presented at Festivals in Oberhausen and Rotterdam (2013), Copenhagen (2010), Loop (2010), as well as in major museums and art centers world-wide, including the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Stedelijk, Amsterdam; MCA, Chicago; HKW, Berlin; the Museum of Photograhy, Tokyo; MACBA, Barcelona; CCA, Glasgow, and the Tate Gallery, London.