An art thief, Nemo, played by Willem Dafoe, is trapped in a luxury penthouse with views of the New York skyline when his heist goes wrong. He’s locked in the apartment, which has a sophisticated security system. Nemo finds himself in a prison full of contemporary art. The days pass, his mental state worsens, he struggles with hunger and thirst. The apartment and the art collection play an active role in the story. We recognize paintings, installation works and videos by artists,including Maxwell Alexander Maurizio Cattelan, Francesco Clemente, Petrit Halilaj, David Horvitz, Adrian Paci, Amalia Pica, Joanna Piotrowska, Janis Rafa, MASBEDO, Alvaro Urban whose value becomes increasingly relative. This psycho thriller has a surprise ending, in which claustrophobia, restlessness, brutalization and hallucination coexist.