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How it feels to be changed into a beast?

by Laure Cottin Stefanelli
2011, 6’13
Original Format: DV
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2014
The story is written as a monologue. On the screen, short sentences describe a man’s chaotic getaway from the city. The earth’s surface is burning, war is raging. A man flees the street and seeks refuge underground, where he waits for the break of dawn. « PEOPLE RIPPED APART, LIKE TATTERED OLD SHIRT, LIKE TATTERED RAGS, I WAS TRYING TO FIND MY OWN WAY, THROUGH THE STREETS OF THE DESTRUCTION ZONE, I AM ALIVE. »
Laure Cottin Stefanelli (Francia, 1985). French artist based in Paris, working in film and photography. She studied literature and cinema at Paris III University and graduated from École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris in 2010 with honours. Working with the margins of reality, she uses her direct surroundings as settings and her family and friends as actors of an ongoing and intimate story. She has exhibited in group shows and festivals across France, as well as in Los Angeles, Montréal, Taiwan, London, Brussels and Essen, among others. In 2009, she was recognised as one of the laureates of the Leica Prize for her work in photography. In 2011, her film, No Blood in my body, won the prize for best short film in Écrans Documentaire, Arcueil, France. She was awarded the International Stipend for Young Artists in Fine Art from the Federal State of Lower Saxony and Braunschweig HBK (Germany) (2013). She is currently one of the laureates of the HISK program, Ghent (Belgium) (2014).
Laure Cottin-Stefanelli was awarded with the scholarchip offered by the Institut français Firenze.