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Her Name is Herman

by Abigail Sidebotham
2013, 15′ 10”
Original Format: HD
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2013 in occasion of the Screening Program at Villa Romana The film is part of VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 2nd edition
“Her Name is Herman” is a film about longing, masculinity and desire. It follows the true story of a farmer who, in 1976, through a definitive premonition discovered a huge unexploded WWII “Herman” bomb buried deep beneath his ground on the Gower Peninsula in Wales. This buried and alienated relic of history is a powerful archetype of trauma and the pursuit to reach and defuse it is demonstrated as a masculine principle of conquest.
Abigail Sidebotham (Galles, 1985). Is a multi media artist based in London. Her practice includes works with drawing, text, performance, photography and artist film. She earned her Art Master from the Royal College of Art in 2013. Her work has been exhibited in exhibitions at HotShoe Gallery, London, Altitude 1000+ Festival, Switzerland and DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague. She has been awarded with a number of prizes and residencies, including the Red Mansion residency programme in Beijing, China (2013). She received an honorary mention for her work exhibited at the DOX centre for Contemporary Art, with the prize of a residency in Prague (2014).

The participation of Abigail Sidebotham is supported by the Royal College of Art.