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Gabriele Basilico

by Giampiero D’Angeli
Italy, 2008, 45’
Original Format: HDV
Presented at The Screen of the Arts 2008
Screenplay: Alice Maxia
Sound: Giampiero D’Angeli
Music: Universal Publishing Production Music
Editing: Giampiero D’Angeli
Production: Giart S.r.l.
Giampiero D’Angeli creates a vivid portait of Gabriele Basilico (Milan, 1944-2013). His activity, based on personal projects and manifold institutional commissions, focuses on the debate about the city and the contemporary landscape through both conceptual and aesthetical works. Moving from his Milan to France, from Beirut to Silicon Valley, from Genua to Moscow, Basilico tells about himself and his job in the background of these different scenarios. The photography comes out as a tool for representing what goes beyond what we can see: “guardare di più” (watching more), as he says. The landscape becomes an occasion for getting involved with the energy of a place, whose meaning is rebuilt by the photographer who recollects its endless and difficult fragments.
Giampiero D’Angeli. Giampiero D’Angeli born in Rieti in 1974, lives in Bologna, where he works as director and editor of commercials and TV shows, institutional videos and documentaries, collaborating with such TV channels as Rai International, Rai, and Sky. Since 2007 he has been working with Giart S.r.l., a production agency focused on documentaries about Italian contemporary art.
Selected Filmography
2007 Michelangelo Galliani; Elio Marchegiani 2008 Vasco Bendini; Giosetta Fioroni; Alessandro Papetti; Trento Longaretti; Concetto Pozzati