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Edge of Life

by John Menick
USA, 2024, 40’
Presented at the 17th edition of Lo schermo dell’arte, 2024
ov: English; st: Italian
In Edge of Life American artist John Menick speaks with a sentient computer about the possibility of digital immortality. A kind of Turing Test in reverse, the computer quizzes the artist for purposes which may or may not include the cloning of his consciousness. They discuss the undead, uploaded minds, vampires, and an imaginary island populated by holograms. Less a lecture than a first-person séance, the author finds himself channeling the computer’s predictions about his own behavior. A “live” performance about undead subjects, Edge of Life is a strange inquiry into how the digital transforms the boundaries of the living, through a narrated text and an editing of science fiction images, computer graphics, films from cinema history, biological research, and folklore.
John Menick (United States, 1976, lives and works in New York) is a writer and visual artist. His works have been exhibited in group shows and film festivals such as dOCUMENTA 13, IFFR International Film Festival Rotterdam, and at museums and institutions like MOMA PS1, Palais de Tokyo, CCA Wattis San Francisco, and Artist Space New York. His first book, A Report on the City (Walter König press 2012), was named by Frieze magazine as one of the highlights of 2012.
Selected Filmography
2023 Message from Mars, Autoextinction; 2020 Haunting; 2012 Starring Sigmund Freud; 2010 Paris Syndrome; 2005 Secret Life of Things Occupation; 2001 The Disappearance