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Concrete Love – The Böhm Family

Germany / Switzerland 2014, 87′
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival 2015
Camera: Raphael Beinder
Sound: Maurizius Staerkle Drux
Editing: Anika Simon
Production: Lichtblick Film
Producer: Carl-Ludwig Rettinger
language: German, English
Gottfried Böhm is one of Germany’s most famous architects, known for his religious buildings of the 50s and 60s, some of which are considered architectural icons of the 20th century. His sons Stephen, Peter and Paul are architects, as is his wife Elisabeth, the family’s emotive center and source of inspiration. At 94, Gottfried still works daily on his projects. A passion for architecture, transmitted to him by his father, moves the life he shares with his sons. The film, which won prizes in many international Festivals, records meetings with friends and ex-colleagues, slowly revealing the source of inspiration for his works. Director Maurizius Staerkle Drux, who lived with the Böhms for over two years, follows their daily routine, their work in the studio and at construction sites, creating individual profiles of the family’s components, subject at times to conflicts and the need for affirmation, but deeply united. An intimate and poetic portrait which deals with architecture, but also life and the passion for art.
Maurizius Staerkle Drux. Born in Cologne in 1988, raised in Zurich. After studying at the University of Art in Zurich, he worked as a director of documentaries and as a sound designer, experimenting with a language in which he mixes visual arts, cinema and sound.
Selected Filmography
2013 Wenn der Vorhang fallt 2011 Zwischen Inseln 2010 Mit Lied und Leid 2009 Paradeplatz