Moving Archive
5th Edition

Programme of 4 films on free streaming 
A project for the users of the Libraries of the Metropolitan City of Florence

Moving Archive 5th edition is a film dissemination project with which Lo schermo dell’arte intends to explore social, environmental and cultural issues affecting the contemporary world through cinema and contemporary art.

Lo schermo dell’arte presents 4 films for free streaming on the platform Più Compagnia that can be viewed by users of participating libraries from 00:01 on October 20 until 23:59 on October 23, 2022.

Participating libraries:
All libraries belonging to the SDIAF system – Integrated Documentary System of the Florentine Area, Biblioteca Barberino di Mugello, Biblioteca Borgo San Lorenzo, Biblioteca Calenzano, Biblioteca Fiesole, Biblioteca Comunale di Impruneta, Biblioteca Lastra a Signa, Biblioteca Rignano sull’Arno, Biblioteca Scandicci, Biblioteca di Vicchio, La casa del sole e della luna – Biblioteca Londa, Biblioteca San Casciano Val di Pesa, Biblioteca comunale di Fiesole.

The project is realised with the contribution of the Metropolitan City of Florence.

October 20 – 23, 2022

How to view films:
For users registered with the participating libraries, it is possible to access the platform for viewing films by sending an email to

In the e-mail you should state your first and last name, the name of the library and your membership number.

by Kim Longinotto, Ireland, USA 2019, 94′

The film draws an intimate and faithful portrait of the photographer Letizia Battaglia, following her in her efforts to combat the evil of a city of a thousand contradictions, her beloved Palermo.
Recommended reading:
La battaglia delle bambine. Insieme contro la mafia by Simona Dolce (Mondadori, 2021); Mi prendo il mondo ovunque sia. Una vita da fotografa tra passione civile e bellezza by Letizia Battaglia and Sabrina Pisu (Einaudi, 2020)

by Simone Manetti, Italy 2019, 79′

The story of artist Pippa Bacca’s performance Brides on Tour (2008), which tragically ended in Turkey where the artist was brutally murdered.

Recommended reading:
L’abito bianco by Nathalie Léger (La Nuova Frontiera, 2021)

by Susanne Radelhof, Germany 2019, 43′

A tribute to the female figures who contributed to the celebrity of the Bauhaus school, a story about the innovative potential brought by women.
Recommended reading:
La ragazza del Bauhaus by Theresia Enzensberger (Guanda, 2019)

by Renzo Martens, Netherlands, Belgium 2020, 79′

An art centre in the essentiality of the “white cube” is built on a former Unilever plantation in Congo, the final outcome of Dutch artist Renzo Martens’ project.

Recommended reading:
Viaggio al Congo by André Gide (Marsilio, 2022); Congo by David Van Reybrouck (Feltrinelli, 2016)

Moving Archive
V edizione

Playlist di 5 film in streaming on demand gratuiti
Un progetto per gli utenti delle Biblioteche della Città Metropolitana di Firenze

Dal 26 al 30 ottobre 2020 si terrà la V edizione di MOVING ARCHIVE, rassegna di film che intende approfondire, attraverso il cinema d’arte, le tematiche sociali, geopolitiche e ambientali che interessano il mondo contemporaneo.

In collaborazione con le Biblioteche della Città Metropolitana di Firenze e con le Biblioteche aderenti al Sistema Documentario Integrato dell’Area Fiorentina (SDIAF), questa IV edizione si svolgerà interamente online e comprenderà cinque film dall’archivio dello Schermo dell’arte resi fruibili in streaming on demand gratuitamente.
Ogni film sarà preceduto da una breve video registrazione in cui 5 tra artisti, curatori e storici dell’arte introdurranno i temi trattati: Leone Contini, Roberto Fassone, Giacomo Pirazzoli, Desdemona Ventroni, Riccardo Venturi.

Lo schermo dell’arte ha sperimentato con grande successo la modalità di fruizione streaming di film e di contenuti culturali durante il periodo di lockdown con programmi on demand in collaborazione con la piattaforma My Movies e con programmi specificamente studiati per le scuole della Città Metropolitana di Firenze. Moving Archive continua l’offerta di cinema da fruire in rete, che si è straordinariamente espansa nei mesi della chiusura, con l’obiettivo di aumentare l’accessibilità all’arte a un pubblico sempre più ampio, in un periodo in cui la fruizione in presenza degli eventi culturali è ancora soggetta a limitazioni.

Il progetto è realizzato con il sostegno della Città Metropolitana di Firenze

Biblioteche aderenti:
Biblioteca comunale Bagno a Ripoli, Biblioteca comunale Calenzano, Biblioteca di Villa Montalto “Tiziano Terzani” Campi Bisenzio, Biblioteca comunale Impruneta, Biblioteca comunale Lastra a Signa, Biblioteca comunale Scandicci, Biblioteca comunale Sesto Fiorentino, Biblioteca comunale Signa, Biblioteca comunale Vinci, Biblioteca Leonardiana di Vinci, BiblioteCaNova Isolotto (Firenze), Biblioteca Dino Pieraccioni (Firenze), Biblioteca Pietro Leopoldo – FONDO ORIANA FALLACI (Firenze), Biblioteca Mario Luzi (Firenze), Biblioteca Oblate (Firenze), Biblioteca Villa Bandini (Firenze), Biblioteca Palagio di Parte Guelfa (Firenze), Biblioteca Orticultura (Firenze), Biblioteca Libero Beghi (Firenze), Biblioteca Filippo Buonarroti (Firenze), Biblioteca Pietro Thouar (Firenze), Biblioteca Nazionale (Firenze).

Rassegna di 5 film in streaming on demand
26 – 30 ottobre 2020

Modalità per la visione dei film:
per accedere alla piattaforma e ricevere i link e i codici promozionali gratuiti dei film in programma è necessario prenotarsi inviando una mail all’indirizzo
Nel testo della mail occorrerà indicare nome e cognome, la biblioteca di riferimento e il proprio numero di tessera.

Si ringrazia Wanted Cinema


Banksy Does New York

di Chris Moukarbel, Stati Uniti 2014, 80’
Nell’ottobre del 2013 il famoso street artist Banksy ha ideato un progetto di residenza che prevedeva la realizzazione di un’opera al giorno per le strade di New York. Tra graffiti, sculture, performance e azioni spettacolari il progetto di arte pubblica di Banksy ha coinvolto migliaia di persone generando un’estesa “caccia al tesoro” nella città prima che molte delle opere fossero distrutte o rimosse per essere vendute senza autorizzazione. Chris Moukarbel ha seguito gli interventi realizzati dall’artista dal Lower East Side a Staten Island, da Williamsburg a Willets Point, ma soprattutto ha raccontato le reazioni del pubblico, intervistando e ascoltando le opinioni della gente comune e dei soggetti che a diverso titolo sono coinvolti nella vita sociale e culturale della città. Il progetto di Banksy è un invito collettivo a prendere parte ad un’esperienza condivisa e aperta, e allo stesso tempo una critica feroce al sistema capitalistico e all’ipocrisia del mondo dell’arte contemporanea.
Introdotto da Roberto Fassone, artista, performer e docente.

Big Time

di Kaspar Astrup Schröder, Danimarca 2017, 93′
Ritratto del super premiato architetto danese Bjarke Ingels che, poco piu che quarantenne, ha firmato alcune noti edifici degli ultimi anni quali il grattacielo W57 VIA 57 West a New York, il Danish National Maritime Museum a Helsingor, il Serpentine Gallery Pavilion a Londra. Girato nel corso di sette anni, il film racconta la sua vita professionale e personale. A seguito di una contusione in una partita di baseball gli viene diagnosticata una ciste al cervello che lo costringe a sottoporsi ad una serie di esami, appuntamenti con medici e ad un’operazione, registrati con grande discrezione dalla macchina da presa di fronte alla quale Ingels mai si sottrae. Dalla malattia all’apertura del secondo studio a New York del BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group alle riunioni di lavoro e sui cantieri, alla relazione con la compagna, l’architetto Ruth Othero, il regista lo segue dovunque cercando di carpirne la determinazione sul lavoro e gli aspetti più intimi, anche teneri, del carattere.
Introdotto da Giacomo Pirazzoli, direttore CrossingLab, Dipartimento di Architettura, Università di Firenze.

China's Van Goghs

di Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, Cina/Olanda 2016, 80′
Il film racconta di un laboratorio artistico nella città di Dafen, nella regione di Shenzhe, nel sud della Cina, dove giovani di estrazione proletaria si guadagnano da vivere producendo copie di quadri di Van Gogh, che vengono vendute in tutto il mondo. II proprietario, Xiaoyong Zhao, ha il sogno di visitare il Museo Van Gogh ad Amsterdam per vedere dal vero i quadri dell’amato maestro. China’s Van Goghs è un film sulle aspirazioni artistiche di un uomo semplice la cui vita è completamente assorbita dal fare commercio di tele i cui soggetti stereotipati vengono ripetuti all’infinito ma che al contatto diretto con l’arte del lontano maestro, riesce a comprendere il valore della propria libera creatività. Sullo sfondo, le contraddizioni e i contrasti di un paese in veloce sviluppo e di cui troppo poco ancora sappiamo, dove gli operai lavorano dall’alba al tramonto, i tassisti tengono santini di Mao sul cruscotto e aspiranti giovani pittori vivono il mito globalizzato di un celebre artista occidentale. Momento rivelatore di questo vivido documentario è la scena della visione da parte di Zhao e dei suoi operai del celebre film di Vincente Minnelli, Brama di vivere, dove un tormentato Kirk Douglas interpreta il maestro olandese.
Introdotto da Leone Contini, artista e antropologo.

Emilio Vedova - Dalla parte del naufragio

di Tomaso Pessina, Italia, 2019, 66’
Un documentario lirico, materico e violento che ricostruisce il percorso artistico ed esistenziale di Emilio Vedova, uno degli artisti più importanti del Novecento italiano, vincitore del Gran premio della pittura e del Leone d’oro alla Biennale d’arte di Venezia del 1997. Attraverso la testimonianza di curatori tra i quali Germano Celant, il film traccia il percorso del pittore veneziano, massimo protagonista della pittura informale. Il film è inoltre arricchito dal sapiente uso di materiali d’archivio inediti tra cui sono video, registrazioni audio, fotografie e un diario letto e interpretato dall’attore Toni Servillo mentre si trova circondato dai dipinti custoditi all’interno della Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova a Venezia. Le opere dell’artista racchiudono le atmosfere della città lagunare e la meraviglia dei dipinti di maestri antichi quali Tiziano, Tiepolo e Tintoretto da lui tanto amati. Presentato alla 76° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia (2019), il film è stato realizzato con il supporto della Fondazione Vedova.
Introdotto da Desdemona Ventroni, storica dell’arte e curatrice.

Troublemakers: the Story of Land Art

di James Crump, Stati Uniti 2015, 72’
Il film ripercorre la storia della Land art attraverso filmati originali e il racconto di alcuni degli artisti protagonisti di quel movimento: Robert Smithson, Walter De Maria, Michael Heizer, Dennis Oppenheim, Vito Acconci. Con la loro pratica essi discussero le contraddizioni della cultura moderna, superando i confini della pittura e della scultura, per produrre lavori su scala monumentale nei vasti spazi del deserto del sud-ovest americano, facendo convergere in un unico luogo architettura, paesaggio, scultura, fotografia. Oggi come allora, i loro interventi appaiono rivoluzionari, non solo perché sono incompatibili con gli spazi delle gallerie, ma perché contrastano le leggi del mercato, oltrepassando i tradizionali canoni artistici. Il regista James Crump realizza un tributo al loro coraggio, mostrando come la natura che ospita questi lavori ha modificato e alterato i loro assetti iniziali, creando un dialogo tra l’artista e il mondo naturale. La parte di commento storico è affidata al critico e curatore Germano Celant recentemente scomparso.
Introdotto da Riccardo Venturi, storico e critico d’arte.

Moving Archive
II edizione

Per la II edizione di Moving Archive Lo schermo dell’arte presenta in biblioteche e istituzioni di 9 comuni della Città Metropolitana di Firenze una selezione di film d’artista e documentari sottotitolati in italiano provenienti dal proprio archivio che conta oltre 900 titoli.

Moving Archive intende raggiungere nuovi pubblici grazie al coinvolgimento di istituzioni culturali e luoghi di studio. Gli enti, mettendo a disposizione dei propri utenti gli strumenti in dotazione nelle proprie sedi, tablet, computer, sale proiezioni, monitor, contribuiscono alla creazione di un nuovo modello di distribuzione alternativo alla sala cinematografica. In tal modo, film difficilmente accessibili potranno raggiungere il grande pubblico.

Il progetto è realizzato con il sostegno della Città Metropolitana di Firenze e con il patrocinio di Comune di Scandicci.

Le biblioteche e associazioni coinvolte sono:
Associazione culturale di volontariato onlus “La casa del sole e della luna” e Biblioteca comunale di Londa | Associazione Fiera di San Luca e Biblioteca comunale di Impruneta | BeGo Museo Benozzo Gozzoli, Castelfiorentino | Biblioteca civica di Calenzano | Biblioteca comunale Pablo Neruda di Capraia e Limite | Biblioteca comunale di Vaglia | Biblioteca Comunale di Rignano sull’Arno | La biblioteca di Scandicci | “Le Muratine” Biblioteca comunale di Pontassieve.


II edizione, 5 settembre-17 novembre 2018
ingresso libero
tutti i film sono in versione originale sottotitolati in italiano

mercoledì 5 settembre
Exit Through the Gift Shop

di Banksy, USA, Gran Bretagna 2010, 87′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

mercoledì 12 settembre
Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict

di Lisa Immordino Vreeland, Stati Uniti 2015, 97′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

martedì 13 novembre

di Alfredo Jaar, Italia 2009, 38′

12-16 novembre
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
orari di apertura: lunedì 15.00-19.00
martedì-venerdì 9.00-19.00
sabato 9.00-13.00

Capraia e Limite
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
12-17 novembre
orari di apertura: lunedì, martedì e giovedì 16.00-19.00
mercoledì, venerdì, sabato 10.00-13.00

sabato 20 ottobre

di Banksy, USA, Gran Bretagna 2010, 87′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

domenica 21 ottobre

di Lisa Immordino Vreeland, Stati Uniti 2015, 97′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

sabato 27 ottobre

di Renzo Martens, Olanda 2008, 90′

domenica 28 ottobre

di Ben Lewis, Regno Unito 2009, 90′

sabato 10 novembre

di Lorenzo Fonda, Italia 2008, 55′

di Manuel Correa, Norvegia, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′

di Alfredo Jaar, Italia 2009, 38′

domenica 14 ottobre

di Lisa Immordino Vreeland, Stati Uniti 2015, 97′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

domenica 21 ottobre

di Banksy, USA, Gran Bretagna 2010, 87′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

Biblioteca comunale, Piazza Buondelmonti 19-20
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
12-23 ottobre
orari di apertura: lunedì 9.00-13.00
martedì 14.00-19.00
mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì 9.00-13.00; 14.00-19.00
sabato 9.00-13.00; 14.00-19.00

martedì 9 ottobre

di Lorenzo Fonda, Italia 2008, 55′

martedì 16 ottobre

di Renzo Martens, Olanda 2008, 90′

martedì 23 ottobre

di Ben Lewis, Regno Unito 2009, 90′

martedì 30 ottobre

di Alfredo Jaar, Italia 2009, 38′

martedì 6 novembre

di Banksy, USA, Gran Bretagna 2010, 87′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

martedì 13 novembre

di Lisa Immordino Vreeland, Stati Uniti 2015, 97′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

giovedì 15 novembre

di Manuel Correa, Norvegia, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′

Rignano sull’Arno
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
Biblioteca comunale, Via Garibaldi 25
12-17 novembre
orari di apertura: lunedì, martedi, giovedì, venerdi: 9.00-13.00 e 15.00-19.00
mercoledì: 15.00-19.00
sabato: 10.00-13.00

lunedì 24 settembre

di Banksy, USA, Gran Bretagna 2010, 87′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

di Renzo Martens, Olanda 2008, 90′

martedì 25 settembre

di Alfredo Jaar, Italia 2009, 38′

di Lorenzo Fonda, Italia 2008, 55′

mercoledì 26 settembre

di Lisa Immordino Vreeland, Stati Uniti 2015, 97′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

di Ben Lewis, Regno Unito 2009, 90′

giovedì 27 settembre

di Manuel Correa, Norvegia, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′

di Alfredo Jaar, Italia 2009, 38′

giovedì 27 settembre

di Lorenzo Fonda, Italia 2008, 55′

di Manuel Correa, Norvegia, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′

9-16 novembre
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
orari di apertura: lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, venerdì 15.00-19.00
giovedì 9.00-13.00; 15.00-19.00
sabato 9.00-13.00

venerdì 9 novembre

di Banksy, USA, Gran Bretagna 2010, 87′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

venerdì 16 novembre

di Lisa Immordino Vreeland, Stati Uniti 2015, 97′
distribuzione Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaborazione con Wanted Cinema

Moving Archive
IV edizione

MOVING ARCHIVE è un progetto di inclusione sociale dedicato all’approfondimento, attraverso il cinema d’arte, di tematiche sociali, geopolitiche e ambientali che interessano il mondo contemporaneo: un programma di proiezioni e di incontri gratuiti della durata di 6 mesi (dicembre 2019-maggio 2020), che si rivolge a scuole secondarie di secondo grado, biblioteche e circoli ricreativi culturali di Firenze e di 6 comuni limitrofi, rivolto ad un pubblico intergenerazionale di cittadini che studiano, vivono e lavorano nelle aree periferiche di Firenze.
A marzo 2020, a causa dell’emergenza COVID-19, Moving Archive è stato sospeso. Il programma è stato riformulato e si è svolto tra aprile e maggio 2020 in streaming. I film sono stati introdotti da video registrati con il commento di Riccardo Venturi, storico dell’arte (Waste Land), Leone Contini, artista (China’s Van Goghs) e Roberto Fassone del collettivo di artisti Estuario Projects (Banksy Does New York).
La IV edizione di Moving Archive è stata realizzata con il contributo di Fondazione CR Firenze nell’ambito di “PARTECIPAZIONE CULTURALE”, il Bando tematico che la Fondazione dedica al sostegno di programmazioni culturali finalizzate a potenziare la partecipazione attiva della comunità locale e l’inclusione sociale delle periferie.
Enti che hanno aderito al progetto:
le scuole secondarie di secondo grado ITT Marco Polo all’Isolotto/Firenze, ISISTL Russell-Newton a Scandicci, IISS Calamandrei a Sesto Fiorentino, la Biblioteca Civica Calenzano, la Biblioteca comunale di Bagno a Ripoli, la biblioteca comunale di Lastra a Signa, il Circolo Ricreativo Brozzi/Firenze, il Circolo Ricreativo Culturale Silvano Corti Sant’Andrea a Rovezzano/Firenze, Circolo Arci Le Panche Firenze.


13 dicembre 2019, in presenza
China's Van Goghs

di Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, Cina/Olanda 2016, 80′

introduce Guido Gramigni

18 dicembre 2019, in presenza
Waste Land

di Lucy Walker, Regno Unito 2010, 98′

introduzione al film di Gaia Bindi

27 aprile 2020, in streaming
China's Van Goghs

di Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, Cina/Olanda 2016, 80′

introduce Leone Contini

28 aprile 2020, in streaming
Banksy Does New York

di Chris Moukarbel, Stati Uniti 2014, 80′

introduce Roberto Fassone

30 aprile 2020, in streaming
China's Van Goghs

di Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, Cina/Olanda 2016, 80′

introduce Leone Contini

8 maggio 2020, in streaming
Waste Land

di Lucy Walker, Regno Unito 2010, 98′

introduce Riccardo Venturi


Gaia Bindi
docente in Storia dell’arte contemporanea all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze e autrice di Arte, ambiente, ecologia, Postmedia Books, 2019

Leone Contini
artista e antropologo, da anni è impegnato nell’interazione con comunità agricole cinesi in Italia.

Roberto Fassone
artista e docente per Estuario Project. Estuario è uno studio per artisti, curatori, autori e chiunque voglia portare una propria idea e contributo. Al suo interno si tengono laboratori sui linguaggi contemporanei e sui processi espositivi.

Guido Gramigni
storico dell’arte e co-fondatore dell’associazione culturale [chì-na]

Riccardo Venturi
storico e critico dell’arte contemporanea, scrive regolarmente per Artforum, Alias – Il Manifesto e Doppiozero.

Moving Archive 2nd edition September 5 – November 17 2018

[rev_slider slider28]

On the occasion of the second edition of Moving Archive, Lo schermo dell’arte presents a selection of artist’ films and documentaries with Italian subtitles from its archive, that counts more than 900 titles, in libraries and institutions based in 9 towns of Città Metropolitana di Firenze.

The project is realized with the support of Città Metropolitana di Firenze  and has the aim to reach new audiences thank to the engagement of cultural institutions and study places. All the partners give their own tablets, pc, screening rooms, monitor in order to contribute to the creation of a new films’ distribution model far away from the canonical movie theatre. In this way, a big audience can enjoy movies that are rarely screened

The libraries and the institutions involved are: Associazione culturale di volontariato onlus “La casa del sole e della luna” e Biblioteca comunale di Londa | Associazione Fiera di San Luca e Biblioteca comunale di Impruneta | BeGo Museo Benozzo Gozzoli, Castelfiorentino | Biblioteca civica di Calenzano | Biblioteca comunale Pablo Neruda di Capraia e Limite | Biblioteca comunale di Vaglia |Biblioteca comunale di Rignano sull’Arno | La biblioteca di Scandicci | “Le Muratine” Biblioteca comunale di Pontassieve.


[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Megunica[/button]by Lorenzo Fonda, Italy 2008, 55′
Megunica is a unusual documentary and an hybrid artwork. It is the diary of an adventurous voyage of self-discovery that the notorious street artist Blu, together with film maker Lorenzo Fonda and two other friends (Silvia “Sibe” Siberini and Ivan Merlo) took towards the end of 2006 across five South American countries – Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Argentina – hence the title’s acronym.

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Episode 3 – Enjoy Poverty[/button] by Renzo Martens, Netherlands 2008, 90′
For two years, Dutch artist Renzo Martens traveled across the Congo Democratic Republic videotaping the population’s dramatic living conditions and observing how poverty has become one of the country’s economic resources, even more profitable than the markets for natural resources such as cacao and gold.

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]The Great Contemporary Art Bubble[/button]by Ben Lewis, UK 2009, 90′
Exploring the boundaries between business and real passions for art, the documentary reveals the unusual practices, speculations and secrets that are hidden behind the complex and impenetrable phenomenon of the “great bubble”.

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Le ceneri di Pasolini[/button] by Alfredo Jaar, Italy 2009, 38′
Jaar tells the story of Pasolini’s life and of his tragic death in a documentary film constructed with excerpts shot by Jaar and others shot by Pasolini.

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Exit Through the Gift Shop[/button] by Banksy, USA, UK 2010, 87′
Exit Through the Gift Shop is one of the most provocative films about art ever made, it is a fascinating study of low-level criminality, comradeship and incompetence. By turns shocking, hilarious and absurd, this is an enthralling modern-day fairytale… with bolt cutters.

[button link=”;nochiudi=1?iframe=true&width=800&height=600″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict[/button] by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, USA 2015, 97 ‘
The film follows the stages of Peggy’s life: the openings of her famous galleries – Guggenheim Jeune in Paris, and Art of This Century in New York; her relations with the artists she passionately supported – Wassily Kandinsky, Salvador Dalí, Robert Motherwell and Jackson Pollock.

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]#ARTOFFLINE [/button] by Manuel Correa, Norway, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′
Today visitors’ experiences in museums is increasingly mediated by screens of the devices in their possession. If everything can be experienced on-line, what is the current meaning of a museum exhibition? Will there be a new role for galleries and museums?


[tab title=”INFORMATION”]
2nd edition, September 5 – November 17 2018
Free entrance
Original language with Italian subtitles


[tab title=”PROGRAM”]

[accordion open=”4″]

[accordion-item title=”Pontassieve”]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Le Muratine, Piazza V. Emanuele II
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Wednesday, September 5, 9.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Exit Through the Gift Shop[/button] by Banksy, USA, UK 2010, 87′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”]Wednesday September 12 settembre, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict[/button] by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, USA 2015, 97′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[accordion-item title=”Calenzano”]

[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Biblioteca CiviCa, via della Conoscenza, 11
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday November 13, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Le ceneri di Pasolini[/button] by Alfredo Jaar, Italy 2009, 38′
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] November 12-16
free access, reservation required, please write to</a>
opening hours:: Monday 3.00-7.00 pm
Tuesday-Friday 9.00 am-7.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am-1.00 pm


[accordion-item title=”Capraia e Limite”]
Biblioteca comunale Pablo Neruda, piazza VIII marzo 1944, 9
free access, reservation required, please write to
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] November 12-17
opening hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 4.00-7.00 pm
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 1.00 am -1.00 pm

[accordion-item title=”Castelfiorentino”]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”]<strong> BeGo Museo Benozzo Gozzoli</strong>, via Testaferrata 31 – Sala Polivalente
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Saturday October 20, 5.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Exit Through the Gift Shop[/button] by Banksy, USA, UK 2010, 87′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Sunday October 21, 5.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict[/button] by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, USA 2015, 97′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Saturday October 27, 5.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Episode 3 – Enjoy Poverty[/button] by Renzo Martens, Netherlands 2008, 90′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Sunday October 28, 5.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]The Great Contemporary Art Bubble[/button] by Ben Lewis, UK 2009, 90′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Saturday November 10
4.15 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Megunica[/button] by Lorenzo Fonda, Italy 2008, 55′

5.15 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]#ARTOFFLINE [/button] by Manuel Correa, Norway, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′

6.15 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Le ceneri di Pasolini[/button] by Alfredo Jaar, Italy 2009, 38′

[accordion-item title=”Impruneta”]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Cinema Teatro Buondelmonti – piazza Buondelmonti, 27
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Sunday October 14, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict[/button] by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, USA 2015, 97‘
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Sunday October 21, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Exit Through the Gift Shop[/button] by Banksy, USA, UK 2010, 87′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Biblioteca comunale, Piazza Buondelmonti 19-20
free access, reservation required, please write to
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] October 12-23
opening hours: Monday 9.00 am-1.00 pm
Tuesday 2.00-7.00 pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00 am -1.00 pm; 2.00-7.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am-1.00 pm; 2.00-7.00 pm

[accordion-item title=”Londa”]
Biblioteca comunale, Associazione La casa del Sole e della Luna, via Roma 65
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday October 9, 9.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Megunica[/button] by Lorenzo Fonda, Italy 2008, 55′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday October 16, 9.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Episode 3 – Enjoy Poverty[/button] by Renzo Martens, Netherlands 2008, 90′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday October 23, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]The Great Contemporary Art Bubble[/button] by Ben Lewis, UK 2009, 90′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday October 30, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Le ceneri di Pasolini[/button] by Alfredo Jaar, Italy 2009, 38′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday November 6, 9.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Exit Through the Gift Shop[/button] by Banksy, USA, UK 2010, 87′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday November 13, 9.30 pm
[button link=”;nochiudi=1?iframe=true&width=800&height=600″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict[/button] by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, USA 2015, 97‘
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Thursday November 15, 9.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]#ARTOFFLINE [/button] by Manuel Correa, Norway, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′

[accordion-item title=”Rignano sull’Arno”]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Biblioteca comunale, Via Garibaldi 25
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] November 12-17
opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9.00 am-1.00 pm and 3.00-7.00 pm
Wednesday: 3.00-7.00 pm
Saturday: 10.00 am-1.00 pm

[accordion-item title=”Scandicci”]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Auditorium “M.A. Martini” Biblioteca di Scandicci

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Monday September 24
6.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Exit Through the Gift Shop[/button] by Banksy, USA, UK 2010, 87′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

8.45 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Episode 3 – Enjoy Poverty[/button] by Renzo Martens, Netherlands 2008, 90′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday September 25
5.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Le ceneri di Pasolini[/button] di Alfredo Jaar, Italy 2009, 38′

6.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Megunica[/button]by Lorenzo Fonda, Italy 2008, 55′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Wednesday September 26
5.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict[/button] by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, USA 2015, 97‘
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]The Great Contemporary Art Bubble[/button] by Ben Lewis, UK 2009, 90′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Thursday September 27
5.30 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]#ARTOFFLINE [/button] by Manuel Correa, Norway, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′

ore 18.30
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Le ceneri di Pasolini[/button] by Alfredo Jaar, Italy 2009, 38′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] venerdì 28 settembre
ore 17.30
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Megunica[/button]by Lorenzo Fonda, Italy 2008, 55′

ore 18.30
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]#ARTOFFLINE [/button] by Manuel Correa, Norway, Colombia, Canada 2015, 58′


[accordion-item title=”Vaglia”]
Biblioteca comunale, piazza Demidoff, 54
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Friday November 9, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Exit Through the Gift Shop[/button] by Banksy, USA, UK 2010, 87′
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Friday November 16, 9.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict[/button] by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, USA 2015, 97‘
The film is distributed by Feltrinelli Real Cinema in collaboration with Wanted

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] November 9-16
free access, reservation required, please write to
opening hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3.00-7.00 pm
Thursday 9.00 am-1.00 pm; 3.00-7.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Tuesday-Friday 9.00 am-7.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am-1.00 pm


Moving Archive 3rd edition, December 2 – 30, 2019


[tab title=”FILM”]

China’s Van Goghs by Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, China/Netherlands, 2016, 80′
The film describes an artistic workshop situated in the city of Dafen, located in the Shenzhe region, in the south of China. In this laboratory young lowborn people work to produce copies of Van Gogh paintings, which are then shipped and sold all over the world. The owner, Xiaoyong Zhao, has the dream of visiting the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam to see the real paintings of his beloved master. China’s Van Goghs is a film focused on the artistic aspirations of a simple man whose life is completely absorbed by the trade of canvases whose stereotypical subjects are repeated endlessly. Zhao, after a life spent in direct contact with the art of the master, is able to understand the value of his own free creativity. In the background, there are the contrasts of a fast developing country, of which we know just a part, where the workers work from dawn to dusk, the taxi drivers hold Mao’s santini on the dashboard, and young painters live the globalized myth of a famous western artist. The revealing moment of this vivid documentary is the scene where Zhao and his workers watch the famous film by Vincente Minnelli, Lust for Life, where a tormented Kirk Douglas plays the Dutch master.

Kusama-Infinity by Heather Lenz, USA, 2018, 85′
Yayoi Kusama is almost 90 years old. After 30 years in a psychiatric institution in Japan – she suffered from hallucinations, obsessive-compulsive behavior and depression as a child – and after at least two decades of anonymity, the Japanese artist isnow a giant figure in the contemporary world scene. In 1993 she represented Japan at the Venice Biennale – after being driven out in 1966, when she performed without authorization and sold pieces from her Narcissus Garden installation for two dollars a piece.
Born in 1929 to a conservative family in rural Japan, she expressed early on a desire to move to America and make art. She arrived in New York in 1958. In the 1960s she attracted critical attention with paintings of obsessively colored dots, and nude happenings that were often interrupted by the police.
Nominee Grand Jury Prize Documentary Sundance Film Festival 2018, the film contains interviews with her friends,collaborators, art world colleagues and various scholars, as well as excerpts from her diary and letters, including those she sent to American artist Georgia O’Keeffe when she was very young.

Radio Ghetto Relay by Alessandra Ferrini, 2016, 15′
Radio Ghetto Free Voices is a radio that gives a voice to the dwellers of the Gran Ghetto of Rignano (Apulia, Italy), a shantytown that, until recently, housed thou- sands of West African migrants. Heavily exploited in agricultural work, they were able to share their experiences through the radio, discussing their inhumane living conditions and exposing their struggles. Building on their desire not to be photographed or filmed, Radio Ghetto Relay combines text, Google Earth and Street- view images to amplify their voices, highlighting the radio’s power to cross borders, while looking for their t races in the rural landscape of southern Italy.

Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil by Guto Barra and Gisela Matta, USA, 2013, 38′
During the 1980s, Keith Haring traveled around the world, creating public works in many cities; among the last of these is the mural Tuttomondo, painted in Pisa in 1989, which the Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici has slated for preservation, due to its “particularly important historical-artistic value”.
After participating in the São Paulo Biennale in 1983, as a guest of painter Kenny Scharf and his wife Teresa, Haring often visited the village Serra Grande, where he left many works inspired by the place’s life and atmosphere. Following the restoration of a large circular mural, created in 1985, only a few meters from the beach, the documentary follows a significant and little-known moment in the famous American graffiti artist’s biography. Testimonials by several of his closest friends (aside from Scharf, Bruno Schmidt), are interspersed with Polaroids, audio recordings and text-extracts from Haring’s personal collection. A portrait of the artist emerges: aware and generous, a philosopher of “cum-passion”, as critic Lea Vergine defined him. The film was recently screened at CENTQUATRE in Paris, within the context of the major show Keith Haring. The Political Line at Musée D’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.

Thomas Hirschhorn – Gramsci Monument by Angelo Alfredo Lüdin, Switzerland, 2015, 94′
Gramsci Monument, an homage to one of the 20th century’s most important philosophers, is the installation which Swiss artist Thomas Hirschhorn–who was present at this year’s Biennale di Venezia–produced in the summer of 2013 for the Dia Foundation at Forest Houses, in The Bronx, New York. The site-specific monument was conceived as a place made up of different ambient spaces: laboratories for art- and political workshops, a library, and play-areas for children. Famous for provocative works which confront social themes, Hirschhorn lived with the neighborhood’s residents for five months and dealt, not always peaceably, with their different realities and ethnicities. A shared human experience was his attempt to divulge the Italian philosopher’s thought, and to build a temporary monument destined to remain in the collective memory. Director Angelo Lüdin shot the various phases of the work, documenting the active collaboration of a poor and isolated community.

Waste Land by Lucy Walker, United Kingdom, 2010, 98′
The documentary is an extraordinary portrait of Brazilian artist Vik Muniz, and the touching story of his experiences with the over 3000 catadores (scavengers of recyclable materials) at the world’s biggest garbage dump, the Jardin Gramacho, located among the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Muniz has dedicated his series Pictures of Garbage to them, after having involved them for over two years as protagonists and assistants in the production of portraits and revisitations of some of the most famous masterpieces of contemporary art. As with his sugar-children series, which focused on the faces of the children of Central American plantation laborers, the images chosen by the artist, and the materials taken from the dump which are used to re-draw them, are inextricably linked to tell the people’s stories. Originally from Sao Paulo in Brazil, where he spent his childhood and adolescence, Muniz shows through his work that art and beauty can cause change, redemption and genuineh uman enrichment. Awarded prizes at Sundance and in Berlin, where it also won the Amnesty International Award, Waste Land’s soundtrack is by Moby.

Women Are Heroes by JR, France, 2010, 88′
In 2007, French street artist JR, who arrived in Naples with his Inside Out project at the first Sky Arte festival in May, embarked on a trip to Africa, in order to highlight the dignity of women forced to live in extreme poverty among civil wars, violence and all kinds of everyday battles. Women Are Heroes, an artistic project that became a film, took him to Kenya, Brazil, India, and Cambodia over the course of four years. The protagonists are women who struggle boldly despite the incredible difficulties of their lives. JR portrays their faces on huge posters, which he puts up in the most diverse locations: the sides of the train wagons in Kenya, the barracks of Brazilian favelas, and buildings in cities like New York or Paris. Photographic evidence becomes a message of hope in changing the social contexts of extreme poverty and violence in which some women have to live. The original soundtrack is by two famous trip-hop names: Massive Attack and Patrice Bart Williams.


[tab title=”PROGRAMME”]

[accordion open=”1″]

[accordion-item title=”Bagno a Ripoli / Municipal library, December 16–21″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Municipal library, Via di Belmonte, 38
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] December 16–21
A selection of films of your choice (reservation is mandatory):
opening times: Monday/Saturday 8.30am–7.00pm, Friday 1.30pm–7.00pm
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Wednesday, December 18
Introduction by Gaia Bindi
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Waste Land [/button] by Lucy Walker, Regno Unito 2010, 98′


[accordion-item title=”Calenzano / Biblioteca CiviCa, December 2–9″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Biblioteca CiviCa, via della Conoscenza, 11
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] December 2–9
A selection of films of your choice (reservation is mandatory):
opening times: Monday 3.00pm-7.00pm
Tuesday-Friday 9.00am-7.00pm
Saturday 9.00am-1.00pm


[accordion-item title=”Castelfiorentino / BeGo Museo Benozzo Gozzoli, December 2–15″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] BeGo Museo Benozzo Gozzoli, via Testaferrata 31 – Sala Polivalente
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Saturday, December 14
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Radio Ghetto Relay[/button] by Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Thomas Hirschhorn – Gramsci Monument[/button] by Angelo Alfredo Lüdin, Switzerland 2015, 94′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Sunday, December 15
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil [/button] by Guto Barra e Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Women Are Heroes [/button] by JR, France 2010, 88′


[accordion-item title=”Fiesole / Municipal library, December 16–30″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Municipal library, Via Giovanni Battista, Via G. B. Sermei, 1
A selection of films of your choice (reservation is mandatory):
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] December 16–30
opening times: Monday, Thursday 3.00pm-7.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11.00am-7.00pm
Saturday 9.00am-1.00pm


[accordion-item title=”Impruneta / Municipal library, December 16–21″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Municipal library, Piazza Buondelmonti 19-20
A selection of films of your choice (reservation is mandatory):
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] December 16–21
opening times: Monday 9.00am-1.00pm
Tuesday 2.00pm-7.00pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00am-1.00pm; 2.00pm-7.00pm
Saturday 9.00am-1.00pm; 2.00pm-7.00pm


[accordion-item title=”Lastra a Signa / Municipal library, December 9–14″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Municipal library, Via Palmiro Togliatti, 37
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Monday, December 9
10.00am-1.00pm (loop)
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil [/button] by Guto Barra e Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Radio Ghetto Relay[/button] by Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday, December 10
ore 17.00
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Kusama-Infinity [/button] by Heather Lenz, USA, 2018, 85′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Wednesday, December 11
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil [/button] by Guto Barra and Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Women Are Heroes [/button] by JR, France 2010, 88′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Thursday, December 12
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Radio Ghetto Relay[/button] by Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′

[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Waste Land [/button] by Lucy Walker, United Kingdom, 2010, 98′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Friday, December 13
Introduced by Guido Gramigni
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]China’s Van Goghs by Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, China/Netherlands 2016, 80′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Saturday, December 14
10.00am-1.00pm (loop)
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil [/button] by Guto Barra and Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Radio Ghetto Relay[/button] by Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′


[accordion-item title=”Londa / Municipal library, December 11–19″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Municipal library, home of the Associazione La casa del Sole e della Luna, via Roma 65
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Wednesday, December 11, 9.00pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Women Are Heroes [/button] by JR, France 2010, 88′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Tuesday, December 17 (school hours, screening reserved to schools)
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Waste Land [/button] by Lucy Walker, United Kingdom 2010, 98′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Wednesday, December 18, 9.00pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]China’s Van Goghs[/button] by Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, China/Netherlands 2016, 80′

[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Thursday, December 19 (school hours, screening reserved to schools)
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil [/button] by Guto Barra and Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′


[accordion-item title=”Pontassieve / Municipal library, 18 dicembre”]

[accordion-item title=”Pontassieve / Municipal Library, 18 dicembre”]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Biblioteca comunale, Piazza V. Emanuele II
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] mercoledì 18 dicembre, ore 21.00
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Women Are Heroes [/button] di JR, Francia 2010, 88′


[accordion-item title=”Rignano sull’Arno / Municipal library, December 10–14″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Municipal library, Via Garibaldi 25
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] December 10-14
A selection of films of your choice (reservation is mandatory):
opening times: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm; 3.00pm-7.00pm
Wednesday: 3.00pm-7.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am-1.00pm


[accordion-item title=”Vaglia / Municipal library, December 9–16″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”]Municipal library, piazza Demidoff, 54
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] December 9-16
A selection of films of your choice (reservation is mandatory):
opening times: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm; 3.00pm-7.00pm
Wednesday: 3.00pm-7.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am-1.00pm



[tab title=”SPEAKERS”]
Gaia Bindi

Lecturer in History of contemporary art at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Florence and author of “Arte, ambiente, ecologia” Postmedia Books, 2019

Guido Gramigni

Art historian and co-founder of the cultural association [chì-na]


Bagno a Ripoli / Biblioteca comunale, Via di Belmonte, 38
16-21 dicembre
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
orari di apertura: lunedì/sabato 8.30-19.00, venerdì 13.30-19.00

mercoledì 18 dicembre
Waste Land

di Lucy Walker, Regno Unito 2010, 98′

introduzione al film di Gaia Bindi, ore 17.00

Calenzano / Biblioteca CiviCa, Biblioteca CiviCa, via della Conoscenza, 11
2-9 dicembre
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
orari di apertura: lunedì 15.00-19.00
martedì-venerdì 9.00-19.00
sabato 9.00-13.00

Castelfiorentino / BeGo Museo Benozzo Gozzoli, 2-15 dicembre

sabato 14 dicembre
Radio Ghetto Relay

di Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′

Thomas Hirschhorn - Gramsci Monument

di Angelo Alfredo Lüdin, Svizzera 2015, 94′

domenica 15 dicembre
Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil

di Guto Barra e Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′

Women Are Heroes

di JR, Francia 2010, 88′

Fiesole / Biblioteca comunale, Via G. B. Sermei, 1
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
16-30 dicembre
orari di apertura: lunedì 15.00-19.00
martedì, mercoledì, venerdì 11.00-19.00
giovedì 15.00-19.00
sabato 9.00-13.00

Impruneta / Biblioteca Comunale, , Piazza Buondelmonti 19-20
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
16-21 dicembre
orari di apertura: lunedì 9.00-13.00
martedì 14.00-19.00
mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì 9.00-13.00; 14.00-19.00
sabato 9.00-13.00; 14.00-19.00

Lastra a Signa / Biblioteca comunale, Via Palmiro Togliatti, 37

9-14 dicembre

lunedì 9 dicembre

di Guto Barra e Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′

di Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′

martedì 10 dicembre

di Heather Lenz, Stati Uniti 2018, 85′

mercoledì 11 dicembre

di Guto Barra e Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′

di JR, Francia 2010, 88′

giovedì 12 dicembre

di Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′

di Lucy Walker, Regno Unito 2010, 98′

venerdì 13 dicembre

di Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, Cina/Olanda 2016, 80′

sabato 14 dicembre

di Guto Barra e Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′

di Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15′

Londa / Biblioteca comunale, 11-19 dicembre
Biblioteca comunale, sede dell’Associazione La casa del Sole e della Luna, via Roma 65

mercoledì 11 dicembre

di JR, Francia 2010, 88′

martedì 17 dicembre

di Lucy Walker, Regno Unito 2010, 98′

mercoledì 18 dicembre

di Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, Cina/Olanda 2016, 80′

giovedì 19 dicembre

di Guto Barra e Gisela Matta, USA 2013, 38′

mercoledì 18 dicembre

di JR, Francia 2010, 88′

Rignano sull’Arno / Biblioteca comunale, Via Garibaldi 25
10-14 dicembre
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
orari di apertura: martedi, giovedì, venerdi: 9.00-13.00 e 15.00-19.00
mercoledì: 15.00-19.00
sabato: 10.00-13.00

Vaglia / Biblioteca comunale,  piazza Demidoff, 54
9-16 dicembre
film a scelta con prenotazione obbligatoria:
orari di apertura: lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, venerdì 9.00-13.00; 15.00-19.00
giovedì 9.00-13.00; 15.00-19.00
sabato 9.00-13.00

giovedì 19 dicembre

di Heather Lenz, Stati Uniti 2018, 85′

venerdì 27 dicembre

di JR, Francia 2010, 88′


Gaia Bindi
docente in Storia dell’arte contemporanea all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze e autrice di Arte, ambiente, ecologia, Postmedia Books, 2019

Guido Gramigni
storico dell’arte e co-fondatore dell’associazione culturale [chì-na]

Moving Archive 3rd edition, December 2019 – May 2020

[rev_slider sliderMovingArchive2019-20]

MOVING ARCHIVE is a social inclusion project dedicated to the investigation, through cinema and art, of social, geopolitical and environmental issues that affect the contemporary world: a programme of free meetings and screenings lasting six months (December 2019 – May 2020), that takes place in upper secondary schools, libraries and cultural recreational clubs based in Florence and in six neighbouring municipalities, addressed to a intergenerational public of citizens who study, live and work in the suburban areas of Florence.


[tab title=”FILM”]

China’s Van Goghs by Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, China/Netherlands, 2016, 80′
The film describes an artistic workshop situated in the city of Dafen, located in the Shenzhe region, in the south of China. In this laboratory young lowborn people work to produce copies of Van Gogh paintings, which are then shipped and sold all over the world. The owner, Xiaoyong Zhao, has the dream of visiting the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam to see the real paintings of his beloved master. China’s Van Goghs is a film focused on the artistic aspirations of a simple man whose life is completely absorbed by the trade of canvases whose stereotypical subjects are repeated endlessly. Zhao, after a life spent in direct contact with the art of the master, is able to understand the value of his own free creativity. In the background, there are the contrasts of a fast developing country, of which we know just a part, where the workers work from dawn to dusk, the taxi drivers hold Mao’s santini on the dashboard, and young painters live the globalized myth of a famous western artist. The revealing moment of this vivid documentary is the scene where Zhao and his workers watch the famous film by Vincente Minnelli, Lust for Life, where a tormented Kirk Douglas plays the Dutch master.

Kusama-Infinity by Heather Lenz, USA, 2018, 85′
Yayoi Kusama is almost 90 years old. After 30 years in a psychiatric institution in Japan – she suffered from hallucinations, obsessive-compulsive behavior and depression as a child – and after at least two decades of anonymity, the Japanese artist isnow a giant figure in the contemporary world scene. In 1993 she represented Japan at the Venice Biennale – after being driven out in 1966, when she performed without authorization and sold pieces from her Narcissus Garden installation for two dollars a piece.
Born in 1929 to a conservative family in rural Japan, she expressed early on a desire to move to America and make art. She arrived in New York in 1958. In the 1960s she attracted critical attention with paintings of obsessively colored dots, and nude happenings that were often interrupted by the police.
Nominee Grand Jury Prize Documentary Sundance Film Festival 2018, the film contains interviews with her friends,collaborators, art world colleagues and various scholars, as well as excerpts from her diary and letters, including those she sent to American artist Georgia O’Keeffe when she was very young.

Le ceneri di Pasolini by Alfredo Jaar, Italy, 2009, 38′
Jaar tells the story of Pasolini’s life and of his tragic death in a documentary film constructed with excerpts shot by Jaar and others shot by Pasolini. Other archival material and interviews is used in which Pasolini denounces the stereotyped homologation, induced by a consumerist society.

Thomas Hirschhorn – Gramsci Monument by Angelo Alfredo Lüdin, Switzerland, 2015, 94′
Gramsci Monument, an homage to one of the 20th century’s most important philosophers, is the installation which Swiss artist Thomas Hirschhorn–who was present at this year’s Biennale di Venezia–produced in the summer of 2013 for the Dia Foundation at Forest Houses, in The Bronx, New York. The site-specific monument was conceived as a place made up of different ambient spaces: laboratories for art- and political workshops, a library, and play-areas for children. Famous for provocative works which confront social themes, Hirschhorn lived with the neighborhood’s residents for five months and dealt, not always peaceably, with their different realities and ethnicities. A shared human experience was his attempt to divulge the Italian philosopher’s thought, and to build a temporary monument destined to remain in the collective memory. Director Angelo Lüdin shot the various phases of the work, documenting the active collaboration of a poor and isolated community.

Waste Land by Lucy Walker, United Kingdom, 2010, 98′
The documentary is an extraordinary portrait of Brazilian artist Vik Muniz, and the touching story of his experiences with the over 3000 catadores (scavengers of recyclable materials) at the world’s biggest garbage dump, the Jardin Gramacho, located among the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Muniz has dedicated his series Pictures of Garbage to them, after having involved them for over two years as protagonists and assistants in the production of portraits and revisitations of some of the most famous masterpieces of contemporary art. As with his sugar-children series, which focused on the faces of the children of Central American plantation laborers, the images chosen by the artist, and the materials taken from the dump which are used to re-draw them, are inextricably linked to tell the people’s stories. Originally from Sao Paulo in Brazil, where he spent his childhood and adolescence, Muniz shows through his work that art and beauty can cause change, redemption and genuineh uman enrichment. Awarded prizes at Sundance and in Berlin, where it also won the Amnesty International Award, Waste Land’s soundtrack is by Moby.

Women Are Heroes by JR, France, 2010, 88′
In 2007, French street artist JR, who arrived in Naples with his Inside Out project at the first Sky Arte festival in May, embarked on a trip to Africa, in order to highlight the dignity of women forced to live in extreme poverty among civil wars, violence and all kinds of everyday battles. Women Are Heroes, an artistic project that became a film, took him to Kenya, Brazil, India, and Cambodia over the course of four years. The protagonists are women who struggle boldly despite the incredible difficulties of their lives. JR portrays their faces on huge posters, which he puts up in the most diverse locations: the sides of the train wagons in Kenya, the barracks of Brazilian favelas, and buildings in cities like New York or Paris. Photographic evidence becomes a message of hope in changing the social contexts of extreme poverty and violence in which some women have to live. The original soundtrack is by two famous trip-hop names: Massive Attack and Patrice Bart Williams.



[tab title=”2019 PROGRAMME”]

[accordion open=”1″]

[accordion-item title=”Bagno a Ripoli / Municipal library, December 18″]
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Wednesday, December 18
Introduction by Gaia Bindi
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Waste Land [/button] by Lucy Walker, Regno Unito 2010, 98′


[accordion-item title=”Lastra a Signa / Municipal library, December 13″]
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Municipal library, Via Palmiro Togliatti, 37
[mini-icon icon=”time clock”] Friday, December 13
Introduced by Guido Gramigni
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]China’s Van Goghs by Yu Haibo, Yu Tianqi Kiki, China/Netherlands 2016, 80′




[tab title=”2020 PROGRAMME”]
Programme in progress

Institutions involved:
Secondary Schools ITT Marco Polo in Isolotto/Firenze, ISISTL Russell-Newton in Scandicci, IISS Calamandrei in Sesto Fiorentino, the Municipal Library of Calenzano, Circolo Ricreativo Brozzi/Firenze, Circolo Ricreativo Culturale Silvano Corti Sant’Andrea in Rovezzano/Firenze, Circolo Arci Le Panche Firenze.




[tab title=”SPEAKERS”]
Gaia Bindi

Lecturer in History of contemporary art at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Florence and author of “Arte, ambiente, ecologia” Postmedia Books, 2019

Guido Gramigni

Art historian and co-founder of the cultural association [chì-na]


Notes on Orientalism
Video Practices at the Age of Radical Difference

Curated by Silvana Fiorese and Simone Frangi

Notes on Orientalism. Video practices at the age of radical difference is a temporary cinema organized into four different sessions, 2 hours long each, that will be screened at Viafarini space, Fabbrica del Vapore.

Taking as a starting point the physical and virtual archives of Lo Schermo dell’arte, the selection curated by Silvana Fiorese and Simone Frangi attempts to re-enact the notion of Orientalism as formulated by the theoretician of Palestinian origins Edward W. Said in 1978, trying to intercept it in recent audiovisual productions which deal with postcolonial issues and anti-imperialist postures. While introducing the idea of Orientalism, Said unveils in an extremely analytical and polemical way that typical European modality of establishing relationships with its geopolitical otherness through the affirmation of Europe as a special pole of the processes of identity construction. In the frame of the analysis of European colonial dynamics, Orientalism emerges as a cultural and political project aiming to dominate and exercise influence on East – understood as a metaphor of everything that is not Europe – thanks to economical, political and military power structures. This idea of the positional superiority of Europe, which seems to be supported by the imagination of a factitious Eastern World and by its partial and non radical difference, supports in fact  the priority given to Europe in the field of geopolitical identity-making.

Starting from an attentive analysis of the pivotal work of Edward Said and its segmentation, Notes on Orientalism takes the shape of a program of screenings of artists that try to undermine, rectify or denunce the predatory and coercitive process of the “vampirization” of the difference, taking into account its actuality.


May 14th – June 9th 2015
Milan, Fabbrica del Vapore
Via Procaccini 4

Free entrance /
All films are in original version 


Thursday, May 14th at 7:00pm

Lettres du voyant
by Louis Henderson, 2013, 40′

by Sven Augustijnen, 2011, 104’

Tuesday, May 19 at 7:00 pm

Travelling Amazonia
by Marine Hugonnier, 2006, 24’

Home Movies Gaza
by Basma Alsharif, 2013, 24’

Now Eat My Script
by Mounira Al Solh, 2014, 25’

Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00pm

by Mieke Bal, 2006, 33’

Episode 3 – Enjoy Poverty
by Renzo Martens, 2009, 90’

Tuesday, June 9th at  7:00 pm

Malù – Lo stereotipo della Venere Nera in Italia
by Invernomuto, 2015

Latent River
by Emilija Škarnulytė/Como Clube, 2015, 38’

Ming of Harlem
by Phillip Warnell, 2014, 71’

Notti di Mezza Estate
11th edition

On the occasion of Estate Fiorentina 2021 Lo schermo dell’arte proposes a programme of five films: High Maintenance – The Life and Work of Dani Karavan, Picasso in Palestineletter to a friendEttore Spalletti. and Olafur Eliasson: Miracles of Rare Device.

Piazzale degli Uffizi, Florence
June 28, July 5, 12, and 19, 2021, at 9:30PM

Reserve your seat on the website
Reservations are free but seats are limited and booking is compulsory.

● Booking will be closed every day at 7:30PM.
● The access to the arena will be permitted from 45 minutes before to 10 minutes before the starting time of the screening.
● The assigned, numbered seat must always be respected.

All films are in original language with Italian subtitles.

Monday, July 28
High Maintenance – The Life and Work of Dani Karavan

by Barak Heymann, Israel, Polland, 2020, 66′

Monday, July 5
Picasso in Palestine

by Rashid Masharawi, Palestine 2012, 52′

Letter to a friend

by Emily Jacir, Palestine 2019, 43′

Monday, July 12
Ettore Spalletti

by Alessandra Galletta, Italy 2019, 89′

Monday, July 19
Olafur Eliasson: Miracles of Rare Device

by Alan Yentob, UK 2019, 71′


Notti di Mezza Estate
12th Edition

Gallant Indies by Philippe Beziat, 2020

The 12th edition of Notti di Mezza Estate opens the Apriti Cinema festival at the Piazzale degli Uffizi with the Italian premiere of the film The Treasure of Crimea by Oeke Hoogendijk (2021). 

The three films that obtained the highest number of viewings at the last edition of Lo schermo dell’arte will then be screened: Gallant Indies, White Cube and The Women of the Bauhaus.

The event takes place in the extraordinary setting of the Piazzale degli Uffizi as part of Apriti Cinema, organised by Quelli dell’Alfieri, with programming by the Cinema La Compagnia – Fondazione Sistema Toscana, with the support of the Uffizi Gallery and included in the programme of Estate Fiorentina of the City of Florence.

Florence, Piazzale degli Uffizi
June 27, July 4, 11, and 18, 2022
at 9:45 PM

Free entrance subject to availability

All films are in original language with Italian subtitles.

Monday, June 27
The Treasure of Crimea

by Oeke Hoogendijk, Netherlands 2021, 84′
vo: Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian, English sub: English, Italian

Monday, July 4
Gallant Indies
by Philippe Beziat, France 2020, 108′
vo: French; sub: Italian
Monday, July 11
White Cube

by Renzo Martens, Netherlands, Belgium 2020, 79′
vo: Lingala, French, Dutch, English; sub: Italian

Monday, July 18
The Women of the Bauhaus

by Susanne Radelhof, Germany 2019, 43′
vo: German; sub: Italian

Notti di Mezza Estate
13th Edition

Pablo di Neanderthal. Arte, evoluzione e bricolage by Antonello Matarazzo, 2022

The 13th Edition of Notti di mezza estate opens Apriti Cinema at the Piazzale degli Uffizi on Monday June 26 with the film Pablo di Neanderthal. Arte, evoluzione e bricolage by Antonello Matarazzo (2022), in the presence of the author and of the screenplayer Bruno Di Marino.

The 3 documentaries that received the most success at the last edition of Lo schermo dell’arte will be then presented again: The Melt Goes On Forever: The Art and Times of David Hammons by Harold Crooks and Judd Tully, Art & Krimes by Krimes by Alysa Nahmias, and Marina Abramović & Ulay: No Predicted End by Kasper Bech Dyg.

The programme takes place in the extraordinary setting of the Piazzale degli Uffizi and is part of the Apriti Cinema film festival organized by Quelli dell’Alfieri, with programming curated by Cinema La Compagnia – Fondazione Sistema Toscana as part of the Estate Fiorentina of the Municipality of Florence. With the support of the Galleria degli Uffizi.

Piazzale degli Uffizi, Florence

June 26, July 10, 17 and 24, 2023, 9:45 p.m.

Free admission subject to availability.

All films are in original version, subtitled in Italian or English.


Monday June 26
Pablo di Neanderthal
arte, evoluzione e bricolage

in the presence of the author and of Bruno Di Marino
by Antonello Matarazzo, Italy 2022, 63′
vo: Italian; sub: English

Monday July 10
The Melt Goes On Forever: The Art and Times of David Hammons
by Harold Crooks, Judd Tully, USA 2022, 100′
vo: English; sub: Italian
Monday July 17
Art & Krimes by Krimes

by Alysa Nahmias, USA 2021, 84′
vo: English; sub: Italian

Monday July 24
Marina Abramović & Ulay: No Predicted End

by Kasper Bech Dyg, Denmark 2022, 95′
vo: English; sub: Italian

Notti di Mezza Estate
14th Edition

Piazzale degli Uffizi, Florence

July 1, 8, 15 and 22 2024, 9:45 p.m.

Free admission subject to availability.

All films are in original version, subtitled in Italian or English.

Notti di Mezza Estate, the film review on contemporary art presented by Lo schermo dell’arte, will take place again in the extraordinary setting of Piazzale degli Uffizi, as part of the program of Apriti Cinema.

Four films will be featured, each portraying key figures in the art world. These stories introduce us to their thinking and creative processes, and narrate lesser-known tales of the contemporary visual arts scene.

The first screening is on Monday, July 1, with the film Taking Venice by Amei Wallach (2023). The three most successful documentaries from the last edition of Lo schermo dell’arte will also be screened: Nam June Paik: Moon is the Oldest TV by Amanda Kim, Dead Dance in the presence of the author Domenico Palma, and White Balls on Walls by Sarah Vos.

Notti di Mezza Estate is part of the Apriti Cinema festival organized by Quelli dell’Alfieri, with the program curated by Cinema La Compagnia-Fondazione Sistema Toscana, within the framework of the Estate Fiorentina 2024 by Città di Firenze. The event is supported by Gallerie degli Uffizi.

Monday July 1

by Amei Wallach, USA, 2023, 98’
vo: English; st: Italian

Monday July 8

by Amanda Kim, USA, 2023, 109’
vo: English, German, Korean; st: Italian

Monday July 15

In the presence of the author
by Domenico Palma, Italy, 2023, 54
vo: Italian; st: English

Monday July 22

by Sarah Vos, Netherland, 2022, 90’
vo: Dutch; st: Italian

Notti di mezza estate
III edizione

Un programma di film di documentari dedicati all’arte contemporanea e ai suoi protagonisti. La rassegna intende confermarsi come uno degli appuntamenti più seguiti dell’Estate Fiorentina proseguendo l’importante percorso di collaborazione tra Lo schermo dell’arte e il Comune di Firenze.
Il programma proposto per l’Estate Fiorentina 2012 sarà interamente dedicato al cinema documentario con quattro film che raccontano le storie di uomini e donne che hanno consacrato le loro vite all’amore e alla tutela dell’arte.
A cura di Leonardo Bigazzi.
Il progetto è realizzato in collaborazione con FST-Mediateca Toscana Film Commission e con il contributo del marchio di design Opinion Ciatti.

2, 9, 16, 23 luglio 2012
Le Murate Firenze, piazza delle Murate

dalle ore 21.30

Tutti i film sono in versione originale sottotitolati in italiano e saranno proiettati con audio in cuffia.

2 luglio

di Megumi Sasaki, Stati Uniti, 2009, 87’
Il film sarà presentato per la prima volta a Firenze.

9 luglio

di Don Argott, Stati Uniti, 2009, 101’

16 luglio

di Jörg Adolph e Gereon Wetzel, Germania 2010, 88′

23 luglio

di Amanda Pope e Tchavdar Georgiev, Federazione Russa, Stati Uniti, Uzbekistan 2010, 80′

Notti di Mezza Estate 10th edition

[rev_slider NottidiMezzaEstate2019]

On the occasion of Estate Fiorentina 2019 Lo schermo dell’arte presents a programme of four films: Controfigura, Christo – Walking on WaterMoriyama-San e The Price of Everything.

The programme, that will take place in the special frame of Piazzale degli Uffizi, is part of the strategic project of Estate Fiorentina 2019 “Apriti Cinema”, film festival oraganized by Quelli della Compagnia di Fondazione Sistema Toscana and associazione Quelli dell’Alfieri.

Piazzale degli Uffizi, Florence
July 1, 8, 15 and 22 2019, at 10.00 pm

Free entrance until capacity is reached
Original language with Italian subtitles


[tab title=”PROGRAMME”]

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Monday July 1, at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Controfigura[/button]
by Rä di Martino, Italy, France, Switzerland, Morocco, 2017, 74′
In the presence of the artist

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Monday July 8, at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Christo – Walking on Water[/button]
by Andrey Paounov, USA, Italy, 2018, 100′

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Monday July 15, at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Moriyama-San[/button]
by Ila Beka and Louise Lemoine, France, 2017, 63′

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Monday July 22, at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]The Price of Everything[/button]
by Nathaniel Kahn, USA, 2018, 99′



Notti di Mezza Estate 8th edition

[rev_slider NottidiMezzaEstate2017]

On the occasion of Estate Fiorentina 2017 Lo schermo dell’arte presents a programme of four films: FAME, Thomas Hirschhorn – Gramsci Monument and Women Are Heroes narrate of important contemporary art projects create for peripheral areas of cities or towns far away from large urban centers; and Bill Viola: the Road to Saint’s Pauls is the last film made on the American video artist.

The programme, that will take place on the special frame of Piazzale degli Uffizi, is part of “Apriti Cinema” organized by Quelli della Compagnia.

Download the brochure realized, in collaboration with  IED Istituto Europeo di Design of Florence, by students: Edoardo Antonelli, Flavia Carrara, Cosimo d’Afflitto e Mattia Novia.

Piazzale degli Uffizi, Florence
June 26 and July 3, 10, 17,  2017 at 10.00 pm

Free entrance until capacity is reached
Original language with Italian subtitles


[tab title=”PROGRAMME”]

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Monday, June 26,  at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]FAME[/button]
by Giacomo Abbruzzese, Angelo Milano, Italy, France, 2017, 57′
language: Italian, English; subtitles: Italian
In the presence of the authors
The film part of Biografilm Art, Biografilm Festival – International Celebration of Lives 2017, will be distributed by I Wonder Pictures.

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Monday, July 13,  at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Thomas Hirschhorn – Gramsci Monument[/button]
by Angelo Alfredo Lüdin, Switzerland, 2015, 94′
language: English, Swiss, German; subtitles: English, Italian

[mini-icon icon=”time”]Monday, July 10,  at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Bill Viola: The Road to St. Paul’s[/button]
by Gerald Fox, Regno Unito, 2016, 106′
language: English; subtitles: Italian
In the presence of the author
in collaboration with Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi on the occasion of the exhibition Bill Viola. Electronic Renaissance

The film has been premiered at the Biografilm Festival – International Celebration of Lives 2017.

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Monday, July 17,  at 10.00 pm
[button link=”″ size=”small” target=”_blank” style=”light” lightbox=”true” color=”white”]Women Are Heroes [/button]
by JR, France, 2010, 88′
language: French, Portuguese, English, Thai, Indi; subtitles: French and Italian

