EDITIONS 2023 2024 ALL FILMS Capital by Basma al-Sharif Egypt, Italy, Germany, 2023, 17’ Ceremony by Phil Collins United Kingdom 2018, 67' Character by Paul Heintz 2021, 39'' Chicago by Sarah Morris 2011, 68' Chine: empire de l'art? by Emma Tassy e Sheng Zhimin France, 2009, 52’ Club Bunker by M+M (Weis/De Mattia) Germany, 2023, 7’37’’ Co(AI)xistence by Justine Emard 2017, 12'' Con i denti tra i coltelli by Roberto Fassone Italy, 2024, 35’ Controfigura by Rä Di Martino Italy, France, Switzerland, Marocco 2017, 74' 'CONTROLUCE: STORIES OF BEAUTY'Alone by Garrett Bradley USA, 2017, 13’ Copies récentes des paysages anciennes by Rä di Martino Italy, Morocco 2012, 8'20' Cutie and the Boxer by Zachary Heinzerling USA 2013, 82' Cy Dear by Andrea Bettinetti Italy 2018, 92'' Daily Routine by MASBEDO Italy 2020, 11' Daphne Was a Torso Ending in Leaves by Catriona Gallagher UK, Italy, 2024, sound, 13'27'' De Oylem iz a Goylem by Omer Fast Austria, Germany 2019, 24' Dead Dance by Domenico Palma Italy, 2023, 54 Dearest Fiona by Fiona Tan Netherlands, 2023, 102’ Dedicated to the Youth of the World II by Roman Khimei e Yarema Malashchuk Ukraine 2019, 8' Deep Sleep by Basma Alsharif 2014, 13' Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 Page14 Page15 Page16