EDITIONS 2023 2024 ALL FILMS Sol LeWitt by Chris Teerink NL 2012, 72' Sono innamorato di Pippa Bacca by Simone Manetti Italy 2019, 79' Sonzai Zone by Emilia Tapprest (NVISIBLE.STUDIO) 2019, 22' Sophie Calle. Untitled by Victoria Clay Mendoza France 2012, 52' Spectaculum by Giuseppe Fanizza Italy 2013, 12 ' Spit Earth: Who Is Jordan Wolfson? by James Crump USA 2020, 55' Spit Earth: Who Is Jordan Wolfson? by James Crump USA 2020, 55' Station to Station by Doug Aitken USA 2014, 71' Staying with trouble by Alyona Larionova 2018, 14' Storie di fantasmi per adulti by Diego Marcon 2010, 16’22’’ Strange Vision of Seeing Things by Ryan Ferko 2016, 4'16' Stray by Jonas Brinker Egypt 2020, 5' Sudan by Luca Trevisani Italy 2016, 15' Sunsets, Everyday by Basir Mahmood Italy 2020, 14' SuperDesign. Italian Radical Design 1965-1975 by Francesca Molteni, Maria Cristina Didero Italy 2017, 63' Szeeman and Lenin Crossing the Alps by Rudolf Herz Germany 2020, 18' Takashi Murakami by Ben Lewis UK, 2005, 26’ Taking Venice by Amei Wallach USA, 2023, 98’ Tales of Us by Oliver Pietsch Germany 2014, 28 ' Tashlikh by Yael Bartana Germany, Netherlands, Israel 2017, 11' Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 Page14 Page15 Page16 Page17 Page18 Page19 Page20 Page21 Page22 Page23 Page24 Page25 Page26 Page27 Page28
SuperDesign. Italian Radical Design 1965-1975 by Francesca Molteni, Maria Cristina Didero Italy 2017, 63'