EDITIONS 2023 2024 ALL FILMS Quello che verrà è solo una promessa by Flatform Italy, Holland, New Zeland 2019, 24' Questionnaire by Anna Okrasko 2011, 04'57'' Radical Landscapes by di Elettra Fiumi Switzerland, Italy, 2022, 91’ Radical Women by Isabel Nascimento Silva Brazil, 2023, 71’ Radio Ghetto Relay by Alessandra Ferrini 2016, 15' Ragnar Kjartansson: I'm Not An Authentic Human Being by Roxanne Bagheshirin Lærkesen Denmark, 2023, 44’ Raised in the Dust by Andro Eradze 2022, 8’12’’ Ramallah Old Town 30th April 2024 by Jeremy Deller Palestine, Italy, 2024, 13’14” Razeh-del by Maryam Tafakory Iran, UK, Italy, 2024, 27' Re-Building Ruins in Reverse by Olena Newkryta Ukraine 2020, 25' Ready-Mades with Interest by Rebecca Jane Arthur 2017, 25' Recoding Art by Bruno Moreschi Gabriel Pereira, Brasile 2019, 15' Redoubt by Matthew Barney USA 2019, 134' Remainder by Omer Fast UK 2015, 97' Restless. Keith Haring in Brazil by Guto Barra e Gisela Matta USA 2013, 38' Restriced Sensation by Deimantas Narkevičius LTU 2011, 45' Revisiting Solaris by Deimantas Narkevičius LTU 2007, 18' Richard Hamilton: In the Reflection of Marcel Duchamp by Pascal Goblot France 2014, 53 ' Rineke Dijkstra by Branka Bogdanov USA 2001, 10' Robert Irwin: A Desert of Pure Feeling by Jennifer Lane USA, 2022, 94’ Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 Page14 Page15 Page16 Page17 Page18 Page19 Page20 Page21 Page22 Page23 Page24 Page25 Page26 Page27 Page28
Ragnar Kjartansson: I'm Not An Authentic Human Being by Roxanne Bagheshirin Lærkesen Denmark, 2023, 44’