EDITIONS 2023 2024 ALL FILMS Omaggio a Martial Raysse by Martial Raysse 1967, 45' Once in The XX Century by Deimantas Narkevičius LTU 2004, 8' op by Dan Walwin 2013, 6' Opalka - One Life, One Oeuvre by Andrzej Sapija Poland 2011, 54' Open Field - Gabriel Orozco by Juan Carlos Martìn Open Studios by Autori vari Italy 2011, 9x8' Opera by Massimiliano Pacifico Italy 2008, 39' Orientation by Sirah Foighel Brutmann and Eitan Efrat 2015, 12'' Oscar Niemeyer. A vida è um sopro by Fabiano Maciel Brazil, 2006, 52’ Our City Dreams by Chiara Clemente USA 2008, 85' Our Hobby is Depeche Mode by Jeremy Deller e Nick Abrahams Uk 2007, 72' Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow by Sophie Fiennes UK, France, The Netherlands 2010, 105' Pablo di Neanderthal. Arte, evoluzione e bricolage by Antonello Matarazzo Italy 2022, 63' Pacific Club by Valentin Noujaïm 2023, 16’37’’ Parade by Shahryar Nashat Germany 2014, 38' Parallel I-IV by Harun Farocki Germany 2014, 45 ' Pas de deux by Baha Görkem Yalim 2015, 5' Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict by Lisa Immordino Vreeland USA 2015, 97 ' Phoenix. Amore Brucio by Zapruder Italy 2017, 12' Phonemenology by Riccardo Benassi Italy, Germany, France 2018, 94' Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 Page14 Page15 Page16 Page17 Page18 Page19 Page20 Page21 Page22 Page23 Page24 Page25 Page26 Page27 Page28