EDITIONS 2023 2024 ALL FILMS Love, Cecil by Lisa Immordino Vreeland Ludwig by Diego Marcon Italy, 2018, video, CGI animation, color, sound, 8' Made You Look: A True Story About Fake Art by Barry Avrich Canada 2020, 90' Making Manifesto by Cristian Pirjol Germany 2018, 37' Man in Black by Wang Bing France, USA, UK, 2023, 60’ Mangrovia by Low Jack e Invernomuto France, 2024, 9’12’’ Manifesto by Julian Rosefeldt Germany, Australia 2017, 95' Manodopera by Alain Ughetto France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, 2023, 70’ Marepe by Marco Del Fiol Brasil 2006, 22' Maria De Los Angeles by Shoja Azari USA, 2003, 57’ Marina Abramović & Ulay: No Predicted End by Kasper Bech Dyg Denmark, 2022, 95′ Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present by Matthew Akers USA 2012, 106' Mark Lombardi - Kunst und konspiration (Death Defying Acts of Art and Conspiracy) by Mareike Wegener Germany 2011, 53' Marwencol by Jeff Malmberg USA 2010, 83 marxism today (prologue) by Phil Collins 2010, 35' Mast-del by Maryam Tafakory Iran, 2023, 17'17'' Mastequoia Op. 09-13 by Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli, Giacomo Sponzilli, Gabriele Silli ITA 2013, 64' Meeting with Olafur Eliasson by Marco Del Fiol BRA 2011, 27' Megunica by Lorenzo Fonda Italy 2008, 55' Mein Blick (My View) by Patrick Alan Banfield 2017, 10'7' Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 Page14 Page15 Page16 Page17 Page18 Page19 Page20 Page21 Page22 Page23 Page24 Page25 Page26 Page27 Page28
Mark Lombardi - Kunst und konspiration (Death Defying Acts of Art and Conspiracy) by Mareike Wegener Germany 2011, 53'