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The World According to Kapoor - A Portrait of Anish Kapoor

by Heinz Peter Schwerfel
France/GB 2011, 52′
Camera: Marcel Neumann
Editing: Philippe La Bruyère
Music and Sound: Ulrich Lask
Producer: Anne Schuchman
Production: Laurence de Rosière
Post-Production: Artcore Film
Co-Production: SCHUCH Productions (Anne Schuchman), ARTE France (Unité Culture et Spectacles), Directrice adjointe à la Culture (Emelie de Jong), Chargé de programmes (Ali Delici), Administrateur (Pascal Aron), Chargée de Post-Production (Stéphanie Lanois)
Distribution: ARTE France
Sponsors: Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée
Co-produced by Schuch Productions and ARTE France, Schwerfel’s film is an interview, full of suggestions and reflections, in which Anish Kapoor recounts his search for new forms, his thoughts about sculpture and the metaphysical conception of the spaces with which he interacts. His words are a commentary on the images shot in his studio-laboratory in London, at Millennium Park in Chicago, where his extraordinary Cloud Gate has become one of the city’s most-visited monuments, and at his shows in Bilbao, Mumbai, Delhi and Paris.
Anish Kapoor
Among the most famous artists of our time, Anish Kapoor is a multicultural wizard, an aesthetic perfectionist and an engineer of the impossible who constantly recharges himself with new artistic and technological challenges, such as Orbit, the 100 meter-plus tower he designed for the London Olympics of 2012, whose construction has just begun.
Kapoor, who was born in Mumbai in 1954 and moved to London in the 70s, is presents in the most important collections all of the world. Among his most recent temporary shows: Paris, at the Grand Palais, as part of the Monumenta 2011 project, he created Leviathan, a gigantic PVC installation based on forms halfway between dragon and serpent, taken from the Book of Job, a creature that suggests an imminent catastrophe. In Milan (2011), he inaugurated a one-man show at the Rotonda della Besana at the end of May and created Dirty Tunnel, an enormous steel tunnel which visitors can walk through in complete darkness, at the Fabbrica del Vapore. In Venice (2011), in the Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore, he installed Ascension–a steam jet, almost an insubstantial column, but also a “breath” that suggests the pneuma, the divine breath of Christian tradition, as the artist says.