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by Nataša von Kopp
Germany/Czech Republic 2007, 76′
Presented at Notti di Mezza Estate 2014
Photography: Beate Scherer
Editing: Sarah Krumbach
Music: Vladimír Martinka
Producer: Leif Alexis, Libor Tesacek

Giampaolo Paoli Prize at the 48th Festival dei Popoli 2007
Miroslav Tichy never concerned himself with the things of the world, or about the belated international success garnered by his photographic work, which was produced with rudimentary cameras and largely devoted to the women of his city. Unpopular with many, due to his extravagant character and appearance, imprisoned many times for being considered a rebel under the communist regime, Nataša von Kopp filmed him as an old man at his home in Kyjov (Czech Republic), where the solitude of his existence is only interrupted by occasional visits from his few friends, or by the occasional tenacious curator or gallerist.