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Finding Vivian Maier

by John Maloof, Charlie Siskel
USA 2013, 84′
Presented at Notti di Mezza Estate 2014
Screenplay: John Maloof, Charlie Siskel
Photography: John Maloof
Editing: Aaron Wickenden
Sound: Scott Palmer, Steve Lynch
Music: J. Ralph
Producer: John Maloof, Charlie Siskel
Production: Ravine Pictures, LLC
Distribution: Feltrinelli Real Cinema
With the same avidity with which she collected objects of all kinds and newspaper fragments, with her Rolleiflex always around her neck, Vivian Maier produced thousands of photographs, including numerous portraits and self-portraits. However, until John Maloof bought an anonymous box at a Chicago auction filled with her old negatives, all that was known about her was that she worked as an au pair for several of the city’s prominent families. The documentary investigates the mysterious photographer’s story, starting with the astounding discovery that led to the posthumous recognition of her work in the area of street photography.