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The Yes Men Fix The World

by Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno
UK, USA, France 2009, 87′
Presented at Notti di Mezza Estate 2013
Written, Directed and Produced by: Andy Bichlbaum E Mike Bonnano
Co-Directed by: Kurt Engfehr
Special appearence: Reggie Watts
Editing: April Merl
Animations: Patrick Lichty
Original music: Neel Murgai, Noisola
Presented by: Arte France, Renegade Pictures UK, Article Z, Charny-Bachrach Entertainment, The Channel 4 Britdoc Foundation
Commissioning editor for Arte France: Pierrette Ominetti
Produced by: Doro Bachrach, Ruth Charny, Laura Nix
Executive producers; Patrice Barrat, Alan Hayling, Jess Search, Juliette Timsit
Co-executive producer: Amy Sommer
Awarded with the prestigious audience award at the Berlin International Film Festival 2009, the “The Yes Men Fix the World” is a screwball true story that follows a couple of gonzo political activists as they infiltrate the world of big business and pull off outrageous pranks that highlight the ways that corporate greed is destroying the planet. Along the way the duo discover the culprits behind the cult of greed, and in a wildly uplifting ending, they find a way for everyone to defeat the cult and save civilization from its own worst excesses. Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno (The Yes Men) have been called “the Jonathan Swift of the Jackass generation” by author Naomi Klein. They infiltrate the world of big business and smuggle out stories that are shocking and hilarious. Their 2004 feature documentary (The Yes Men, directed by Chris Smith, Sarah Price, and Dan Olman) received numerous festival awards and was distributed theatrically around the globe. To direct The Yes Men Fix The World, Andy and Mike teamed up with legendary documentarian Kurt Engfehr, who is well-known for co-producing and editing Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling For Columbine.