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Dan Perjovschi Solo in Rome

by Milo Adami
Italy 2012, 23′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2012
Editing: Milo Adami
Color: Vincenzo Marinese
Production: Cinemabello
Associate producer: Dan Perjovschi
Interviewed for his first Italian one-man show, after his participation at the Venice Biennale 1999, Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi talks about his life and the origins of his work, allowing himself to be observed by the camera and a live audience while he animates the walls of the Museo MACRO in Rome with his pungent drawings. In what takes on the characteristics of performance, the artist reiterates the suggestions fixed in magic marker on the blank pages of his notebook in his typical language: from graffiti on walls to newspaper pages, everything becomes potential material for Perjovschi to work on. Divided into thematic chapters, the film tells the story of the show “The Crisis is (not) Over: Drawings and Dioramas”, describing a poetic manifesto for the artist.
Milo Adami. Born in Rome, 1981. After studying Art History in Rome, he moved to the IUAV in Venice, where he took a degree in Visual Arts in 2007, under Giorgio Agamben. He began his work in video, attending workshops with various international artists, including Joseph Kosuth, Grazia Toderi and Antoni Muntadas. In 2006, he completed his first short feature, “Periferica di gruppo”, produced by MART in Rovereto.
In 2008, he was among the founders of the independent production company Pinup Filmaking. In 2011 he worked as a filmmaker for MACRO in Rome.
Selected Filmography
2007 Periferica di gruppo; 2010 A Nord Est (co-regia con Luca Scivoletto); 2011 Ricordi