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Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters

by Ben Shapiro
USA 2012, 79′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2012
Written and Directed by: Ben Shapiro
Editing: Tom Patterson, Nancy Kennedy
Music: Dana Kaproff
Sound design: Margaret Crimmins
Production: Ben Shapiro Film con il supporto di IFP
In co-production with: AVRO Television/The Netherlands
In association with: SVT/Sweden
For ten years, Ben Shapiro followed the work of American photographer Gregory Crewdson, observing him in his role as the director of crepuscular image-paintings. Produced mainly in Massachusetts, the pieces involved the creation of genuine movie sets with the support of a specialized team, then subjecting them to a long digital post-production process. By shooting every phase of the project “Beneath the Roses” (2003-2005), and accompanying the artist through his next cycle of work, “Sanctuary” (2009) – set against a backdrop of abandoned movie sets at Cinecitta`, and using black-and-white for the first time – the director offers a fascinating, suggestive view of the mis-en-scene of the artist’s subjects, the complex technical structure of Crewdson’s work and an analysis of their psychological and emotional aspects.
Ben Shapiro. Documentary director and cinematographer, his work has appeared on television and at major festivals and museums including the Museum of Modern Art. His projects have received support from the National Endowment for the Arts and for the Humanities, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and awards include Peabody, DuPont, Emmy, and AFI First Prize.
Selected Filmography
2005 Beneath the Roses