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Les Forteresses de l'art

by Marianne Lamour
France 2011, 52′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2012
Authors: Danièle Granet, Catherine Lamour
Starring: Stanislas de Livonnière nel ruolo di giornalista
Photography: Didier Hill-Derive, Nicolas Duchêne
Sound: Jean-Luc Verdier, Sylvain Copans
Editing: Babeth Si Ramdan
Production: Sophie Goupil, Les Poissons Volants
Co-Production with: ARTE France, Rmn-Grand Palais
Sponsor: Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée
Structured as a journalistic investigation, the film takes on the organization of large-scale contemporary and modern art shows, revealing the rigid procedural protocols that regulate the exhibition and security of priceless works, and the complications which arise around them determined by the art market. Along with describing the roles and responsibilities of all the figures who operate in producing these events, the film details several original examples of public and private projects intended to improve the fruition and circulation of art works, such as the Louvre Abu Dhabi, developed by architect Jean Nouvel, and the virtual museum promoted by French collector Sylvain Levy, with a particularly careful look at the possibilities offered in this sector by new technologies and the international web.
Selected Filmography
1996 Paloma; 2006 Au Coeur De L’enfance, “La Bibliotheque Rose”; 2007 Les Dessous Ont Une Histoire; Juan Bautista, Une Histoire De Camargue; 2009 Femmes En Majeste