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Garden in the Sea

by Thomas Riedelsheimer
Mexico / Germany 2011, 68′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2012
Directed, Shooted, Editing: Thomas Riedelsheimer
Music: Stephan Micus, Hector Martell, Enrique Martell, José Luis Carvallo
Underwater photography: Alfredo Barroso, John Friday
Music director: Raùl Martell
Sound: Shinya Kitamura, Pedro Mejìa, Thomas Schwarz, Felix Riedelsheimer, Friedericke Güssefeld
Sound mix: Tomas Bastian
Producer: Manuel Arango
Production: The Mexican Foundation for Environmental Education/the Manuel Arango Foundation
In collaboration with:, Germania
Invited to create a piece for Espiritu Santo Island (Baja California, Mexico), Spanish sculptress Cristina Iglesias devised a labyrinth of sunken rooms, which favor marine life and emerge as both a seal upon, and a warning to protect and value the area, which was declared a UNESCO site in 2005. Executed in a type of cement with pH levels compatible with seawater, the monument is sited at a depth of 14 meters in the Bahìa de Candelero and is composed of 14 grates, each one 3 meters high, which join together to from two ambient groups. Evoking mythical Atlantis, they bear quotations from the text “Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias”, written between 1586 and 1587 by the Jesuit missionary Frate José de Acosta. The film documents the work’s long gestation period – 4 years – and celebrates the links between art, science and civil commitment to defend the ecology, showing the beauty and atmosphere of the site through suggestive photography, accompanied by the music of Stephan Micus and Hector Martell.
Thomas Riedelsheimer. Born September 1963, studied at the Academy for Film and Television in Munich. In 2008, along with Stefan Tolz, he founded the production company Filmpunkt GmbH. He is a member of the German and European Film Academy. He has won several major national and international film and television awards for directing, as well as for editing and camerawork, and garnered several nominations for the official section of international festivals. Has taught regularly at Filmakademie Ludwigsburg since October 2007. Lives in Munich.
Selected Filmography
2004 Touch the Sound – A Sound Journey with Evelyn Glennie; 2008 Alison Watt – A Painter´s Eye; 2009 Seelenvogel (“Soul Birds”)