This work is made in response to the experience of staying in Indonesia after living in another country for several years. Having lost the ability to follow the rhythm of the language and cultural development, I need to‚ re-learn‘ the subtleties of language in order to feel like part of the society / Indonesian again. This work tries to explore the question of how behavior in a society is being formed and how language is being interpreted.
Rizki Resa Utama (Indonesia, 1982). Born in Indonesia, lives and works in Germany. In 2006 he initiated the 12th space initiative Button (now Buton Kultur 21) in Bandung, Indonesia. In 2008 he was invited to show his work in Singapore Biennale 2008. He moves to Germany where he graduates in Fine Art at the University of Art Braunschweig (HBK). His vision focuses on the investigation of the habitual and routine aspects of daily life in order to describe and understand the social condition. As an artist in a foreign country he investigates the issue of “belonging” in the context of social relationships. He received an Honorary Mention Award at the European Media Art Festival (EMAF) 2011, Osnabrück, Germany and recently was invited to an Artist Residency in Istanbul, Turkey.