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Body Scan II

by Erica Scourti
2014, 5’05’’
Original Format: HD (portrait)
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’arte 2014
A scan of photos of my body, taken both by me and my lover, identified using a search-by-image iphone app that reads visual data and connects it to other bodies of mostly commercial information.
Erica Scourti (Grecia, 1980). Grew up in Athens, Greece and is now a London-based artist and writer whose work in text, video and performance has been shown. In 2013 she completed an MRes in Moving Image Art at Central St Martins and LUX (with distinction). Working across media with an emphasis on digital video, recent exhibitions include a La Voix Humaine, Munich Kunstverein, Afresh:a New Generation of Greek Artists at Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Different Domain at The Royal Standard and A Small Hiccup at Grand Union; her first book, The Outage, was published earlier this yea by Banner Repeater; upcoming shows include the Hayward Gallery Project Space and the main program of IMPAKT Festival. While participating in numerous international residency programs, she has also attended workshops like Hand on film, with the Goethe Institut in Athens, and has presented papers at conferences and institutions, such as the ICA, Arnolfini and The Photographer’s Gallery.
The attendance of Erica Scourti is supported by Central Saint Martins.