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Storie di fantasmi per adulti

by Diego Marcon
2010, 16’22’’
Original Format: MiniDV
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2014
A mountain house, between rooms of images and imaginaries. The gaze is staring at a taxidermy on a wall – in the corner of the eye another one seems to move a bit. And then paintings, prints, little statues, photographs. Some ghosts tremble into this immobilism’s apparence. The eye turns itself into the ear: coughing, some whispered sentences and sights in the house. A country love song.
Diego Marcon (Italia, 1985). Artist and filmmaker, lives and works in Paris. His research deals with the relation between reality and representation, questioning the ontology of the moving image and its possibility to be a tool for knowledge and investigation of reality. In 2006 he graduated in film editing at the Scuola Civica di Cinema di Milano. In 2012 he got the BA in Visual Arts at the IUAV University of Venice. In 2009 he participated to the CSAV of Fondazione Antonio Ratti and took part to the residence program by the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris. For the 2010 he was a studio recipient at the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice. In 2013 he was artist in residence at CIAP Vassivière and at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. His works have been screened in film festivals both in Italy and abroad, and have been shown in international institutions like Whitechapel Gallery, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, De Vleeshal, National Architecture Institute Rotterdam, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo and MAGA Museo Arte Gallarate.
The attendance of Diego Marcon is supported by Beyond Entropy.