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Kino Peinture

by Rebecca Digne
France 2008, 1′
Original Format: Film 16 mm transferred on video. Loop projection
Presented at VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 4th edition Winner of VISIO Young Talent Acquisition Prize (1st edition)
Courtesy the artist and Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art
Rebecca Digne’s films are marked by the repetition of actions, small gestures and suspended and often unsettled situations. Using film as her medium, the artist investigates at the same time the symbolic and conceptual potential of the gesture and that of the means used to record it. In Kino Peinture, Digne creates a portrait on 16mm film, with clear references to art history from Vermeer to Richter. The girl’s expression, her breathing, and her looking away from a blank cinema screen, induce a sense of anticipation and disorientation further enhanced by the duration of the shots and the non-stop reiteration of the looped film.
Currently lives and works in Paris. She grew up in Naples, Italy. She graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. For two years (2010-2011) she was resident at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam and then followed the residency program of the Palais de Tokyo: Le Pavillon, in Paris (2013-2014). Rebecca Digne’s pieces are enigmatic evocations that capture the projection and the exhibition space as a “place of resistance to time”. The image, both subject and medium, is operated as a territory where issues related to questions of waiting, time, identity, gesture or ritual intermingle. Among her recent exhibitions: “Climats Artificiels”, Fondation EDF, Paris, 2015; “100 years later”, The Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2014; “Profit and Non Profit”, SpazioA, Pistoia, 2014; “AB Show”, Nomas Foundation, Rome; “Facing Mercurio”, Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art Gallery, Amsterdam, 2013. Her work is part of the collection of the Centre National d’Art Moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.