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Tales of Us

by Oliver Pietsch
Germany 2014, 28 ‘
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival 2015
Editing: Oliver Pietsch
Producer: Oliver Pietsch
Language: english
What is the deeper meaning of life and love? Pietsch presents a possible answer through a montage of scenes from the Hollywood film repertoire. Retracing milestones of human life from youth to old age, the filmmaker explores the themes of desire, love and solidarity with irony and feeling. The power of images and music immerse us in the shared history and common language of cinema. Like a kaleidoscope of mirrors, each excerpt used in the assembly of the film leads viewers to recognize themselves in the situations and roles “lived” by characters in the films.
Oliver Pietsch. Born in Munich, in 1972, he lives and works in Berlin. His video work has been shown in many European and international galleries. He has participated in many film festivals, winning important honors, such as the Best Film Award 2012 for From Here to Eternity, at the Swedenborg Film Society, London.
Selected Filmography
2013 At Last I am Free 2010 From Here to Eternity 2008 The Shape of Things 2005 The Conquest of Happiness