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Richard Hamilton: In the Reflection of Marcel Duchamp

by Pascal Goblot
France 2014, 53 ‘
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival 2015
Editing: Eloïse Baille, Pascal Goblot
Sound: Jean Noel Yven
Music: Jean Noel Yven
Producer: Olivier Lavielle
Production: Le Miroir
Language: english
Richard Hamilton, the father of British Pop Art, has devoted part of his life to the study of a piece by another great 20th century master: Marcel Duchamp, the inventor of “ready-made”. “The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors”, Even, also known as “The Large Glass”, is surely among the most complex and enigmatic works by the French artist. Hamilton has examined this work’s every detail in an attempt to render its significance, however complicated. Starting from unreleased interviews, Pascal Goblot’s film explores the exceptional rapport between two of the most influential figures of contemporary art.
Pascal Goblot. Video-artist, director and writer. His installation “Through the Large Glasses” was shown in “Seconde Main” at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris in 2010. His latest book is “Henri Atlan, La philosophie dans l’éprouvette, conversation avec Pascal Gobot” (Bayard, 2010).
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