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Parallel I-IV

by Harun Farocki
Germany 2014, 45 ‘
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival 2015
Voice over: Cynthia Beatt
Production: Harun Farocki Filmproduktion Berlin
Co-Production: Berlin Documentary Forum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Language: english
With “Parallel I – IV”, one of his last works, which started as a 4-channel video-installation, Harun Farocki, one of Germany’s most influential and subversive filmmakers, who died in July 2014, reflects on the influence of video games on the cinema during the last few decades, and on its reception, through an investigation of the construction and rules of computerized animations in video games. Subdivided into a cycle of four parts, the work begins with an analysis of the first two-dimensional elaborations of video games, in “Parallel I”, and goes on to breath-taking details of natural and digital landscapes which reproduce effects similar to reality, in “Parallel II – III”, to finally reach, in “Parallel IV”, the images of video game heroes.
Harun Farocki. Artist, critic, theorist and filmmaker. Starting in 1967, he directed over 120 films and produced many installations in which he analyzed the theme of the power of images. He also participated in many shows in museums and galleries world-wide. A fundamental figure of contemporary culture who influenced artistic production in Germany and beyond, he died in 2014. Starting in 1984, he was an author and editor of the magazine Filmkritik, published in Munich; from 2011 until his death
he was a docent at the Academy of Art in Vienna.
Selected Filmography
2013 Sauerbruch Hutton Architects 2012 A New Product 2009 In Comparison 2007 Respite 2004 Nothing Ventured 2003 War at a Distance 2001 The Creators of the Shopping Worlds 2000 Prison Images