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by Luca Trevisani
Italy 2016, 15′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2016
Screenplay: Luca Trevisani
Photography: Edoardo Bolli
Editing: Luca Trevisani
Shooting: Edoardo Bolli
Sound: Lorenzo dal Ri
Producers: Luca Trevisani, Lo schermo dell’arte, Marsell, 999 Films
For years, poachers killed white rhinos for their valuable horns, believed to have aphrodisiac properties. Sudan, the last of his species, was named after his birthplace. He lived in the Dvur Kralove Zoo, in the Czech Republic, for a long time. Due to the cold, he lost his reproductive ability. Now, aged 43, he lives in a nature preserve in Nanyuki, Kenya. Protected by armed guards, he moves slowly in one of the world’s vastest horizons. Trevisani films him in close-up, highlighting his rough skin: a work of plastic art with unusual sculptural appeal. The camera paints blurred portraits of, barely mentions the soldiers who supervise his movements, day and night, focuses instead on his body, outlining the image of a dying artwork moving towards its slow extinction.
Luca Trevisani was born in Verona in 1979. He lives and works in Italy and Berlin. His research ranges between sculpture and video and through such disciplines as performing arts, graphics, design, experimental cinema and architecture. He has exhibited at: Manifesta 7 (2008), the Biennale of Architecture in Venice (2008-2010), at the MACRO in Rome (2010), at MART in Rovereto (2011), at the Magasin in Grenoble (2011) , the Maxxi (2012), the Marino Marini Museum in Florence (2014).He was a finalist of the Italian Contemporary Art MAXXI Prize (2012) and the winner of numerous awards, including the Ettore Fico Foundation Prize, Rome (2011), the ISCP, New York (2010), the NIMK / Montevideo, Amsterdam (2009) and the Furla Prize for art, Venice (2007).
Selected Filmography
2015 Cerchio 2013 Glaucocamaleo 2012 Il dentro del fuori del dentro 2009 Vodorosli