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by Yael Bartana
Germany, Netherlands, Israel 2017, 11′
Presented at Lo Schermo dell’arte 2017
Subject: Yael Bartana
Shooting: Mick Van Rossum
Editing: Yael Bartana
Soundtrack: Daniel Meir
Shooting: Mick Van Rossum
Editing: Yael Bartana
Soundtrack: Daniel Meir
Sound: Daniel Meir
Special effect: Eran Feller
Producer: Naama Pyritz
Production: Ingenue Productions ltd
Special effect: Eran Feller
Producer: Naama Pyritz
Production: Ingenue Productions ltd
Taking inspiration from the Jewish practice of tashlik, throwing bread in a river to expiate sins, Yael Bartana creates a common space in which perpetrators and survivors of genocides and ethnic persecution, the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, ethnic cleansing and civil wars in Sudan and Eritrea, are confronted through material ties with the horrors of the past: their personal belongings. Objects are more than the materials from which they are composed and their functions, they are impregnated with memories and associations. Bartana’s work introduces a new ritual: throwing away objects that recall trauma to achieve psychological liberation.
Yael Bartana was born 1970 in Kfar Yehezkel, Israel; lives and works between Berlin and Amsterdam. Bartana represented Poland at the 54th Venice Biennial in 2011 and has held solo shows at major museums and international art centers, including Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne (2017), Philadelphia Museum of Art (2016), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2014). She won the Artes Mundi 4 Prize in 2010. Her films have been premiered at major international festivals: Manchester, Oberhausen, Rotterdam, Berlin. She also participated in international exhibitions, including documenta, the Biennial of Sao Paulo and Manifesta.
Selected Filmography
2014 True Finn 2013 Inferno 2010 Enartete Kunst Lebt 2006 A Declaration 2005 Siren’s Song
2014 True Finn 2013 Inferno 2010 Enartete Kunst Lebt 2006 A Declaration 2005 Siren’s Song