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Who Was The Last To Have Seen The Horizon?

by Driant Zeneli
Italy 2018, 6’15’
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival 2018
Screenplay: Driant Zeneli
Photography: Driant Zeneli
Editing: Toretadv
Sound: Toretadv
Producer: Toretadv
In this short of albanian artist Driant Zeneli, four boys and a dog, lost on the horizon, float in an alien, dark and silent environment. Clinging to each other, they find a path to regain the line that apparently divides the sky and the earth. Losing the horizon can be confusing and frightening, but it is also an opportunity to get back into the game and find new directions. Zeneli’s moving images bring dreams that have always been part of the collective imagination to life. Utopian undertakings that defy physical law, by ordinary people or Zeneli himself, reveal a performative aspect fundamental to the film’s veracity.
Driant Zeneli, Born in 1983, at Scutari, Albania, lives and works between Milano and Tirana. In 2008 he won the Onufri International Contemporary Art Prize in Tirana, in 2009 the Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea. He has been artistic director of Mediterranea 18 that took place for the first time in 2017, between Tirana and Durres. Heis co-founder of the Harabel Contemporary Art Platform of Tirana. His works have been exhibited in many museums and biennials including The Centre Georges Popmpidou (2016), Prague Biennale 5 (2011), the Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce in Genova (2009) and the National Gallery of Tirana.He will represent Albania in the next Venice Biennale.
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